Acceptance tests using different clients concurrently. Environment deployed from packages.

Build: #3057 failed

Job: Storage sync failed

files tree with specified depth is imported to space after changing max depth option[1oz 1op 1oc-RESt-web GUi]: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test " files tree with specified depth is imported to space after changing max depth option[1oz 1op 1oc-RESt-web GUi]" in build 3,057 of Onedata Products - mixed acceptance pkg - Storage sync.
files tree with specified depth is imported to space after changing max depth option[1oz 1op 1oc-RESt-web GUi]
Test class
test_files_tree_with_specified_depth_is_imported_to_space_after_changing_max_depth_option[1oz_1op_1oc-REST-web GUI]
3 mins
Failed (Existing Failure)

Error Log

File "/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-MAOPT-CSS/onedata-acceptance/tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/models/", line 55     def __init__(self, limit=None, token='null', index=None, offset=None, tune_for_large_continuous_listing=None, tune_for_large_continuous_listing=None, attributes=None, _configuration=None):  # noqa: E501     ^ SyntaxError: duplicate argument 'tune_for_large_continuous_listing' in function definition
request = <FixtureRequest for <Function 'test_files_tree_with_specified_depth_is_imported_to_space_after_changing_max_depth_option[1oz_1op_1oc-REST-web GUI]'>>

    def scenario_wrapper(request):
>       _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ in _execute_scenario
    _execute_step_function(request, scenario, step, step_func)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ in _execute_step_function
tests/utils/ in wrapper
    return fun(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)
<decorator-gen-1281>:2: in assert_space_content_in_op
tests/utils/ in wrapper
    return fun(*args, **kwargs)
tests/mixed/steps/ in assert_space_content_in_op
    from import \
tests/mixed/steps/rest/oneprovider/ in <module>
    from oneprovider_client import BasicFileOperationsApi
tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/ in <module>
    from oneprovider_client.api.archive_api import ArchiveApi
tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/api/ in <module>
    from oneprovider_client.api.archive_api import ArchiveApi
tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/api/ in <module>
    from oneprovider_client.api_client import ApiClient
tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/ in <module>
    import oneprovider_client.models
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

        # Overview  This is the RESTful API definition of Oneprovider component of Onedata data management system  [](  > This API is defined using [Swagger](, the JSON specification can be used to automatically generate > client libraries - [swagger.json](../../../swagger/oneprovider/swagger.json).  In addition to REST API, Oneprovider also provides support for [CDMI]( protocol. Keep in mind that CDMI is less performant, mainly because it uses Base64 encoded strings for binary file content transmission, resulting in approximately 33% larger I/O traffic compared to REST, which works with plain binaries.   ## Authentication To use the APIs, the REST client must authenticate with the Oneprovider service and present a proof of authorization to perform a specific operation. This is done using access tokens, which can be generated using the Onedata GUI or Onezone's REST API.  The token is passed in the request header like this: ``` X-Auth-Token: MIIFrzCCA5egAwIBAgIBEzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBcMQswCQYDVQQGEwJQTDET... ```  The authorization to perform a specific operation depends on the authenticated user's privileges in the corresponding space, file level permissions (posix, ACL) and caveats (restrictions) inscribed in the provided access token.   ## Data management basics The Onedata system organizes all user data into logical containers called spaces. <!--- TODO VFS-7218 uncomment when the new docs are deployed --> <!--- TODO VFS-7218 remove redundant information and provide a link to the new docs --> <!--- For more information, please refer to the [documentation]( -->  Any file in Onedata (**regular**, **directory**, **symbolic link**, or **hard link**) can be globally identified using its unique **File Id** or **logical path**.  All **logical paths** in Onedata use the slash (`/`) delimiter and must start with a leading slash and a space name:  <pre> /CMS 1/directory/images&videos/garden.png </pre>  **File Id** is a unique, global identifier associated with a file, structured as a string of alphanumeric characters:  <pre> 094576776E667431723230677767776C6B497031394E445F6E3868677873... </pre>  The path-based navigation is used mainly in the Web GUI and Oneclient interfaces. In the REST and CDMI APIs, it is **recommended to use File IDs**, due to better performance and no need for escaping or encoding.    ### Find out the File Id  **Web GUI** - click on Information in the file/directory context menu and look for File Id.  **REST API** - use the File Id [resolution endpoint](#operation/lookup_file_id).  Below example returns the File Id of <br /> `/CMS 1/directory/images&videos/garden.png`, where `CMS 1` is the space name:  ```bash curl -H \"X-Auth-Token: ${ACCESS_TOKEN}\" -X POST \\ \"https://${PROVIDER_DOMAIN}/api/v3/oneprovider/lookup-file-id/CMS%201/directory/images%26videos/garden.png\" ```  ```json {   \"fileId\": \"094576776E667431723230677767776C6B497031394E445F6E3868677873...\" } ```  > **NOTE:** Paths used in URLs must be url-encoded, e.g.:  ``` {...}/CMS%201/directory/images%26videos/garden.png ```  ### Space Id  Space Id is a unique, global identifier associated with a space and can be used universally in the REST APIs. In order to find out the Space Id:  **Web GUI** - click on Information in the file/directory context menu and look for Space Id.  **REST API** - use the [Get all user spaces](#operation/get_all_spaces) endpoint.  The Space Id can be used interchangeably with the space root directory's File Id in the path-based enpoints.  **Remove specific file relative to the space root** ```bash curl -H \"X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN\" -X DELETE \"https://$PROVIDER_HOST/api/v3/oneprovider/data/$SPACE_ID/path/dir1/file.txt\" # is equivalent to curl -H \"X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN\" -X DELETE \"https://$PROVIDER_HOST/api/v3/oneprovider/data/$SPACE_ROOT_FILE_ID/path/dir1/file.txt\" ``` **Remove specific file relative to any parent directory** ```bash curl -H \"X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN\" -X DELETE \"https://$PROVIDER_HOST/api/v3/oneprovider/data/$PARENT_FILE_ID/path/dir1/file.txt\" ```   ## API structure  The API is divided into the following sections:  ### Space management These methods provide means for getting basic information about spaces directly from the Oneprovider service, but also allows to define database views.  ### File access and management The API provides capabilities for:   - browsing files in spaces and directories,   - creating and deleting files as well as updating their content   - querying for file attributes, such as 'mode' file permissions and updating them,   - managing custom file metadata (extended attributes, JSON, RDF),   - manual registration of files for imported storages.  More information can be found [here](#section/Overview/Data-management-basics).  ### Replica and QoS management These methods allow viewing file replica distribution, requesting file replication (transfers) between Oneproviders, viewing ongoing and historical transfers data, as well as managing QoS requirements that trigger automatic replication according to the QoS rules.  ### Share management Offers methods for creating, modyfying and deleting shares. Shares are files or directories that were made publicly available, so that they can be viewed by everyone through a public URL.  ### Dataset & archive management API for managing datasets - designated files or directories that are used to facilitate building collections of data meaningful for the users with additional features, such as write protection and archivisation mechanisms.  ### Automation Basic API for scheduling and viewing workflow executions.  ### Monitoring The API provides means for subscribing (through HTTP long-polling technique) for file related events such as reads, writes or deletes which are returned as complete file metadata records with sequence numbers representing their current version.  ### Service information Publicly available, basic configuration of the Oneprovider service.  Detailed examples of API usage are available in the documentation of each operation.   # noqa: E501
        OpenAPI spec version: 21.02.3
        Generated by:
    from __future__ import absolute_import
    # import models into model package
    from oneprovider_client.models.ace import Ace
    from oneprovider_client.models.acl import Acl
    from oneprovider_client.models.aggregate_qos_status import AggregateQosStatus
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive import Archive
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_base import ArchiveBase
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_config import ArchiveConfig
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_create_nested_archives import ArchiveCreateNestedArchives
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_create_request import ArchiveCreateRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_delete_request import ArchiveDeleteRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_deleted_callback import ArchiveDeletedCallback
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_description import ArchiveDescription
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_follow_symlinks import ArchiveFollowSymlinks
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_include_dip import ArchiveIncludeDip
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_incremental import ArchiveIncremental
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_layout import ArchiveLayout
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_preserved_callback import ArchivePreservedCallback
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_recall_details import ArchiveRecallDetails
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_recall_details_last_error import ArchiveRecallDetailsLastError
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_recall_progress import ArchiveRecallProgress
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_recall_request import ArchiveRecallRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_recall_response import ArchiveRecallResponse
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_state import ArchiveState
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_stats import ArchiveStats
    from oneprovider_client.models.archive_update_request import ArchiveUpdateRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.archives import Archives
    from oneprovider_client.models.atm_workflow_execution_details import AtmWorkflowExecutionDetails
    from oneprovider_client.models.atm_workflow_execution_details_lanes import AtmWorkflowExecutionDetailsLanes
    from oneprovider_client.models.atm_workflow_execution_lane_run_details import AtmWorkflowExecutionLaneRunDetails
    from oneprovider_client.models.atm_workflow_execution_lane_run_details_parallel_boxes import AtmWorkflowExecutionLaneRunDetailsParallelBoxes
    from oneprovider_client.models.atm_workflow_execution_schedule_request import AtmWorkflowExecutionScheduleRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.configuration import Configuration
    from import Data
    from oneprovider_client.models.data1 import Data1
    from oneprovider_client.models.data2 import Data2
    from oneprovider_client.models.data3 import Data3
    from oneprovider_client.models.data4 import Data4
    from oneprovider_client.models.data_distribution import DataDistribution
    from oneprovider_client.models.data_distribution_distribution_per_provider import DataDistributionDistributionPerProvider
    from oneprovider_client.models.data_distribution_distribution_per_storage import DataDistributionDistributionPerStorage
    from oneprovider_client.models.data_distribution_error import DataDistributionError
    from oneprovider_client.models.dataset import Dataset
    from oneprovider_client.models.dataset_establish_request import DatasetEstablishRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.dataset_protection_flags import DatasetProtectionFlags
    from oneprovider_client.models.dataset_state import DatasetState
    from oneprovider_client.models.dataset_summary import DatasetSummary
    from oneprovider_client.models.dataset_update_request import DatasetUpdateRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.datasets import Datasets
    from oneprovider_client.models.datasets_datasets import DatasetsDatasets
    from oneprovider_client.models.dir_size_stats_query import DirSizeStatsQuery
    from oneprovider_client.models.dir_size_stats_response import DirSizeStatsResponse
    from oneprovider_client.models.directory_children import DirectoryChildren
    from oneprovider_client.models.effective_file_protection_flags import EffectiveFileProtectionFlags
    from oneprovider_client.models.error import Error
    from oneprovider_client.models.error_json import ErrorJson
    from oneprovider_client.models.file import File
    from oneprovider_client.models.file_attribute_names import FileAttributeNames
    from oneprovider_client.models.file_attributes import FileAttributes
    from oneprovider_client.models.file_attributes_eff_protection_flags import FileAttributesEffProtectionFlags
    from oneprovider_client.models.file_inheritance_path import FileInheritancePath
    from oneprovider_client.models.file_registration_request import FileRegistrationRequest
    from oneprovider_client.models.file_type import FileType
>   from oneprovider_client.models.get_directory_children_request import GetDirectoryChildrenRequest
E     File "/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-MAOPT-CSS/onedata-acceptance/tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/models/", line 55
E       def __init__(self, limit=None, token='null', index=None, offset=None, tune_for_large_continuous_listing=None, tune_for_large_continuous_listing=None, attributes=None, _configuration=None):  # noqa: E501
E       ^
E   SyntaxError: duplicate argument 'tune_for_large_continuous_listing' in function definition

tests/mixed/oneprovider_client/models/ SyntaxError