GUI acceptance tests using environment deployed from packages.

Build: #2096 failed Child of ODSRV-OPRPM-2120

Stages & jobs

  1. Acceptance Test

Test results

  • 703 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 1 test was fixed
  • 6 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 1272 minutes taken in total.
Existing test failures 1
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
IndexError: list index out of range
request = <FixtureRequest for <Function 'test_user_fails_to_recall_archive_if_there_is_no_space_enough_on_device[1oz_1op_deployed]'>>

    def scenario_wrapper(request):
>       _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding)

(28 more lines...)
Fixed tests 1
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful test_multiprovider_multiuser test_user_uses_autocleaning_with_upper_size_limit_which_skips_too_big_files[1oz_2op_deployed]
Failing since build #2095 (Child of ODSRV-OZP-1735) Chrome multiprovider multiuser tests 5 mins
Quarantined tests 6
Status Test Failing since Quarantined by View job Duration
Successful test_onepanel_basic test_user_sees_that_synchronization_autoupdate_still_works_after_changing_mount_point_for_storage[1oz_1op_deployed]
Not quarantined Chrome onepanel basic tests 4 mins
Collapse Failed test_oneprovider_transfers_files test_user_tries_to_migrate_file_to_too_small_space_on_remote_provider[1oz_2op_deployed]
Failing since build #1958 (Changes by Agnieszka Warchol) Agnieszka Warchol Agnieszka Warchol
Chrome transfers files 5 mins
RuntimeError: Index out of bound. Requested item at 0 while limit is 0 in _TransfersTab in Oneprovider page
request = <FixtureRequest for <Function 'test_user_tries_to_migrate_file_to_too_small_space_on_remote_provider[1oz_2op_deployed]'>>

    def scenario_wrapper(request):
>       _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding)

(31 more lines...)
Collapse Failed test_oneprovider_transfers_files test_user_tries_to_replicate_file_to_too_small_space_on_remote_provider[1oz_2op_deployed]
Failing since build #1958 (Changes by Agnieszka Warchol) Agnieszka Warchol Agnieszka Warchol
Chrome transfers files 5 mins
RuntimeError: Index out of bound. Requested item at 0 while limit is 0 in _TransfersTab in Oneprovider page
request = <FixtureRequest for <Function 'test_user_tries_to_replicate_file_to_too_small_space_on_remote_provider[1oz_2op_deployed]'>>

    def scenario_wrapper(request):
>       _execute_scenario(feature, scenario, request, encoding)

(31 more lines...)
Successful test_onezone_basic test_user_sees_that_group_effective_privileges_are_the_sum_of_its_direct_parents_direct_privileges[1oz_1op_deployed]
Not quarantined Chrome onezone basic tests 1 min
Collapse Failed test_qos_storage test_a_qos_requirement_is_met_after_removing_the_parameter_and_adding_it_again[1oz_2op_deployed]
Failing since build #1958 (Changes by Agnieszka Warchol) Not quarantined Chrome QoS storage 6 mins
RuntimeError: no  item found in Requirement in Quality of Service modal
web_elem_root = <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="52119d1cfc7b60a6a634396b4feebab3", element="0d68e55a-e0c4-4dc1-bbd6-13347e2502cd")>
css_sel = '.qos-status-impossible'
err_msg = 'no  item found in Requirement in Quality of Service modal'

    def find_web_elem(web_elem_root, css_sel, err_msg):
            _scroll_to_css_sel(web_elem_root, css_sel)
(302 more lines...)
Successful test_shares_basic test_removing_directory_which_contained_shared_directory_removes_only_shares_files_but_not_share_itself[1oz_1op_deployed]
Not quarantined Chrome shares basic tests 59 secs