GUI acceptance tests using environment deployed from packages.

Build: #2956 failed

Job: Atm BagIt was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Qnthack - copy quarantine

  2. Acceptance Test

  3. Qnthack - rerun


Build log

The build generated 1,383 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that the file structure in file browser is as follow: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks and presses enter on item named "data" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 -- Executing step: user of browser sees inherited status tag for "LHC10c_pp_ESD_120076.json" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on inherited status tag for "LHC10c_pp_ESD_120076.json" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 -- Executing step: user of browser sees Dataset status tag for "LHC10c_pp_ESD_120076.json" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:32:51 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-""] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable xrootd file in file browser after execution of uploaded "bagit-uploader" with <xrootd_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/""" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "Finished" status in status bar in workflow visualizer
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "uploaded-files" store details modal is 1
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that element in the content of the "uploaded-files" store details modal contains following file names: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser changes time resolution to "1 min" in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is greater or equal 1 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is greater or equal 135000 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 1
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that element in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal contains following destination path: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees Dataset status tag for "dir1" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks and presses enter on item named "dir1" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that the file structure in file browser is as follow: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks and presses enter on item named "data" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees inherited status tag for "LHC10c_pp_ESD_120076.json" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on inherited status tag for "LHC10c_pp_ESD_120076.json" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 -- Executing step: user of browser sees Dataset status tag for "LHC10c_pp_ESD_120076.json" in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:37:00 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-"invalid_bagit_txt.tgz"] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/"invalid_bagit_txt.tgz"" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "invalid_bagit_txt.tgz" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "invalid_bagit_txt.tgz" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is "invalid_bagit_txt.tgz"
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "invalid_bagit_txt.tgz" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:42:04 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-""] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/""" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is ""
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:47:03 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-"unsupported_archive_type.7z"] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/"unsupported_archive_type.7z"" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "unsupported_archive_type.7z" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "unsupported_archive_type.7z" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is "unsupported_archive_type.7z"
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "unsupported_archive_type.7z" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:51:57 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-"missing_manifest_file.tgz"] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/"missing_manifest_file.tgz"" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "missing_manifest_file.tgz" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "missing_manifest_file.tgz" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is "missing_manifest_file.tgz"
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "missing_manifest_file.tgz" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 00:56:50 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-"missing_data_dir.tar"] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/"missing_data_dir.tar"" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "missing_data_dir.tar" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "missing_data_dir.tar" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is "missing_data_dir.tar"
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "missing_data_dir.tar" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:01:43 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-"missing_bagit_txt.tar"] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/"missing_bagit_txt.tar"" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "missing_bagit_txt.tar" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "missing_bagit_txt.tar" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is "missing_bagit_txt.tar"
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "missing_bagit_txt.tar" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:07:23 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-""] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/""" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is ""
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:12:22 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-""] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/""" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is ""
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:17:37 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-""] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/""" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is ""
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:22:27 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas-""] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive - <input_archive>'
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: possible exception messages appearing for workflow files: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/""" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "archive" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate" is ""
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees expected exception for "" in "reason" content of audit log in task "bagit-uploader-validate" in 1st parallel box in lane "validate"
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" doesn't contain user's entry
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "files-to-download" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "There is no data to show." message on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "calculated-checksums" store details modal is 0
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-archive-destination" in 1st parallel box in "archive destination" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that files processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is equal 0 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "X" button in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:27:33 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive -'
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload file "automation/bagit_test_archives/" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser executes 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow in "space1" space with the following initial values: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "Failed" status in status bar in workflow visualizer
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "validate" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Finished"
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "unpack" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Finished"
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "download-files" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Finished"
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "register metadata" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Finished"
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "calculate checksums" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Failed"
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in "calculate checksums" lane is "Failed"
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-calculate-checksum" in 1st parallel box in lane "calculate checksums" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:31:22 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 - Executing scenario 'User sees desirable exception in task audit log after executing bagit-uploader with invalid archive -'
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload file "automation/bagit_test_archives/" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser executes 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow in "space1" space with the following initial values: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "Failed" status in status bar in workflow visualizer
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "validate" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Finished"
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "unpack" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Finished"
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of "download-files" lane in "bagit-uploader" is "Failed"
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that status of task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in "download-files" lane is "Failed"
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-download-files" in 1st parallel box in lane "download-files" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:34:25 PASSED
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_openfaas] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 - Executing scenario 'User sees successful execution of uploaded "bagit-uploader" workflow and input file bagit_archive_unpack.tar'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 - from feature 'Bagit uploader tests'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: initial inventories configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Automation in the main menu
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser opens inventory "inventory1" workflows subpage
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser uploads "bagit-uploader" workflow from automation-examples repository to "inventory1" inventory
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload archive "automation/bagit_test_archives/bagit_archive_unpack.tar" to current dir
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that item named "bagit_archive_unpack.tar" has appeared in file browser
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Automation Workflows" of "space1" space in the sidebar
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Run workflow" in the automation tab bar
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses to run 1st revision of "bagit-uploader" workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "bagit_archive_unpack.tar" file as initial value of "input-bagit-archives" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser chooses "dir1" file as initial value of "destination-directory" store for workflow in "Select files" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms workflow execution by clicking "Run workflow" button
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser waits for all workflows to start
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser waits extended time for all workflows to finish
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on first executed workflow
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "Finished" status in status bar in workflow visualizer
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that audit log in task "bagit-uploader-unpack-fetch" in 1st parallel box in lane "unpack" contains following entry: (...)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that number of elements in the content of the "uploaded-files" store details modal is 21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser closes "Store details" modal
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees chart with processing stats after opening "Time series" link for task "bagit-uploader-unpack-data" in 1st parallel box in "unpack" lane
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser changes time resolution to "1 min" in modal "Task time series"
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that time in right corner of chart with processing stats is around actual time
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is greater or equal 13500 per second on chart with processing stats
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 --- STEP FAILED on Then "user of browser sees that bytes processing speed is greater or equal 13500 per second on chart with processing stats"
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 --- Exception: Processing speed is 5283.588235294118 bytes per second and is lower than expected 13500 per second.
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 =================================================================
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 Running command: ['./onenv', 'export', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/report.1733271414.288409', '-c', '/tmp/logs']
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-volume-s3-init (init)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-volume-s3-init (init)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-volume-s3-init (init)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-d9kdf. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-d9kdf/entrypoint.log for more details
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-worker
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=41/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          40,126   1%   38.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=39/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          78,254   3%   74.63MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=37/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          78,254   3%   74.63MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=35/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          78,254   3%   14.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=33/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         114,687   5%   18.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=31/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         114,836   5%   18.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=29/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         115,183   5%   18.31MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=27/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         753,127  36%   59.85MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=25/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         795,443  38%   63.22MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=15/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         841,234  41%   57.30MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=14/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         876,588  42%   59.71MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=13/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         904,504  44%   57.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=12/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         921,737  45%   58.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=11/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         971,129  47%   61.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=10/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         980,082  47%   58.42MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=9/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,004,452  49%   59.87MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=8/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,066,328  52%   59.82MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=7/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,105,159  54%   62.00MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=6/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,118,382  54%   62.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=5/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,173,615  57%   62.18MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=4/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,184,214  57%   62.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=3/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,216,124  59%   61.04MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=2/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,236,787  60%   62.08MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=1/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,289,125  63%   61.47MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=0/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,289,125  63%   61.47MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=0/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,289,125  63%   61.47MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=0/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,289,125  63%   55.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=0/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,289,125  63%   55.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=0/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,289,125  63%   55.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=0/44)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/cluster-manager
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           2,022  14%    1.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           4,986  35%    4.76MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           4,986  35%    4.76MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           6,805  48%    6.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           7,067  50%    2.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           7,067  50%  530.87kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-panel
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          16,284  16%   15.53MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          33,664  33%   32.10MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          33,664  33%   32.10MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          49,745  49%   47.44MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          50,036  50%   47.72MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          50,036  50%   11.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-worker
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=17/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          13,772   0%   13.13MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=15/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          28,291   1%   26.98MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=13/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          28,291   1%   26.98MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=11/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          41,583   1%   39.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=9/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          41,673   1%   39.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=7/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         734,668  26%   63.69MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=5/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         734,965  26%   46.73MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=3/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,374,055  50%   68.97MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=1/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21       1,374,055  50%   62.40MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=0/20)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/cluster-manager
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           1,977  14%    1.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           4,874  35%    4.65MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           4,874  35%    4.65MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           6,648  48%    6.34MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           6,910  50%    6.59MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           6,910  50%    3.29MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-panel
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21           6,977  15%    6.65MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          14,905  33%   14.21MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          14,905  33%   14.21MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          21,679  49%   20.67MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          21,970  50%   20.95MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21          21,970  50%    1.75MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-openfaas-krakow-gateway-689ffd7649-cprqv. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-openfaas-krakow-gateway-689ffd7649-cprqv/entrypoint.log for more details
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-volume-s3-krakow-init-2qw9p. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.04-00.16.58/pod-logs/dev-volume-s3-krakow-init-2qw9p/entrypoint.log for more details
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 [WARNING] Directory /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/report.1733271414.288409 exists, exporting anyway.
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 FAILED
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 =================================== FAILURES ===================================
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 _ test_user_sees_successful_execution_of_uploaded_bagituploader_workflow_and_input_file_bagit_archive_unpacktar[1oz_1op_openfaas] _
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 fixturefunc = <function assert_number_of_proceeded_files at 0x7fb4810ae5c0>
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 request = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_user_sees_successful_execution_of_uploaded_bagituploader_workflow_and_input_file_bagit_archive_unpacktar[1oz_1op_openfaas]>>
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 kwargs = {'browser_id': 'browser', 'compare_option': 'is greater or equal', 'modals': <class 'tests.gui.utils.common.modals.Modals'>, 'number': '13500', ...}
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     def call_fixture_func(
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         fixturefunc: "_FixtureFunc[FixtureValue]", request: FixtureRequest, kwargs
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     ) -> FixtureValue:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         if is_generator(fixturefunc):
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             fixturefunc = cast(
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                 Callable[..., Generator[FixtureValue, None, None]], fixturefunc
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             )
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             generator = fixturefunc(**kwargs)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             try:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                 fixture_result = next(generator)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             except StopIteration:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                 raise ValueError(f"{request.fixturename} did not yield a value") from None
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             finalizer = functools.partial(_teardown_yield_fixture, fixturefunc, generator)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             request.addfinalizer(finalizer)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         else:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             fixturefunc = cast(Callable[..., FixtureValue], fixturefunc)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 >           fixture_result = fixturefunc(**kwargs)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 /usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/_pytest/
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/utils/ in wrapper
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     return fun(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 /usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/ in fun
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     return caller(func, *(extras + args), **kw)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/utils/ in wrapper
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     return fun(*args, **kwargs)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 browser_id = 'browser'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 selenium = {'browser': <tests.conftest.ChromeWithAllLogs (session="5168e25fcffbff588df30cbd34a50dd6")>, 'request': <SubRequest 's...ees_successful_execution_of_uploaded_bagituploader_workflow_and_input_file_bagit_archive_unpacktar[1oz_1op_openfaas]>>}
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 modals = <class 'tests.gui.utils.common.modals.Modals'>, option = 'bytes'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 number = '13500', compare_option = 'is greater or equal'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     @wt(
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             "user of (?P<browser_id>.*?) sees that (?P<option>.*?) "
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             "processing speed (?P<compare_option>is greater or equal|is "
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             "equal) (?P<number>.*?) per second on chart with processing "
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             "stats"
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         )
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     )
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     @repeat_failed(timeout=WAIT_FRONTEND)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     def assert_number_of_proceeded_files(
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         browser_id, selenium, modals, option, number, compare_option
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     ):
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         switch_to_iframe(selenium, browser_id)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         modal = modals(selenium[browser_id]).task_time_series
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         values = modal.get_last_column_value()
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21         for value in values:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21             if option in value[1].lower():
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                 err_msg = (
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                     f"Processing speed is {value[0]} {option} per second "
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                     f"and is lower than expected {number} per second."
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                 )
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21                 if compare_option == "is greater or equal":
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 >                   assert value[0] >= float(number), err_msg
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 E                   AssertionError: Processing speed is 5283.588235294118 bytes per second and is lower than expected 13500 per second.
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/gui/steps/oneprovider/automation/ AssertionError
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 ------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 WARNING Cache folder (/home/bamboo/.cache/selenium) cannot be created: Permission denied (os error 13)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 WARNING Cache folder (/home/bamboo/.cache/selenium) cannot be created: Permission denied (os error 13)
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 ------------------------------- pytest-selenium --------------------------------
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 URL: https://dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local/ozw/onezone/i#/onedata/spaces/5d58eb619954113f06fd1a24c65092aech9a1d/automation?
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 =============================== warnings summary ===============================
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/utils/
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     print("""
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/utils/
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     return path.replace("'", "\\'").replace(' ', '\ ')
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/utils/
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 tests/utils/
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 -- Docs:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 - generated xml file: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/test-reports/results.xml -
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 - Generated html report: file:///mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/report.1733271414.288409/report.html -
04-Dec-2024 01:48:21 ============ 1 failed, 15 passed, 4 warnings in 5487.65s (1:31:27) =============
04-Dec-2024 01:48:27 release "sidecarinjector" uninstalled
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 release "dev" uninstalled
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Sidecar injection has been disabled
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Cleaning helm release "sidecarinjector"...
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Cleaning helm release "dev"...
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Deleted 2 helm deployments
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Deleted 0 k8s deployments
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Deleted 0 k8s services
04-Dec-2024 01:48:30 Deleted 0 persistent volumes
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] Using image for service onezone
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] Using image for service oneprovider
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] Using image for service rest-cli
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] Using image for service oneclient
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] Using image for service openfaas-pod-status-monitor
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 [INFO] Using image for service openfaas-lambda-result-streamer
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Finished task 'Run Selenium tests' with result: Success
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Starting task 'Parse test results' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB...
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Failing task since 1 failing test cases were found.
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Changing Task Result to SUCCESS as all failed tests were quarantined.
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Finished task 'Parse test results' with result: Success
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 All conditions for task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31 Starting task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:31
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Atm BagIt #2956 (ODSRV-GAPT-COB-2956)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance
04-Dec-2024 01:48:32 ./bamboos/artifacts/ --hostname S3 --port 10161 --username ubuntu --branch develop --plan onedata-acceptance --artifact-name surefire_Atm_BagIt.tar.gz
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 Uploading artifact
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33     source path: surefire_Atm_BagIt.tar.gz
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33     dest.  path: artifacts/onedata-acceptance/develop/surefire_Atm_BagIt.tar.gz
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 Finished task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' with result: Success
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 All conditions for task 'Pack logs' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 Starting task 'Pack logs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Atm BagIt #2956 (ODSRV-GAPT-COB-2956)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 cp: cannot stat 'onedata-acceptance/one_env/sources_info.yaml': No such file or directory
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 Finished task 'Pack logs' with result: Success
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 All conditions for task 'Clear env and working dir' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.OnedataFinalTasksURL} with
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 Starting task 'Clear env and working dir' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Atm BagIt #2956 (ODSRV-GAPT-COB-2956)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB/onedata-acceptance
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 100  4822  100  4822    0     0  57404      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 57404
04-Dec-2024 01:48:33 Clearing /tmp/onedata and /home/bamboo/.one-env
04-Dec-2024 01:48:34 Cleaning helm deployments
04-Dec-2024 01:48:34 Cleanining pods
04-Dec-2024 01:48:34 Cleaning kube persistant volumes
04-Dec-2024 01:48:35 pod "dev-volume-s3-krakow-585f4c9-8p27v" deleted
04-Dec-2024 01:48:55 Cleaning dockswift container
04-Dec-2024 01:48:55 Cleaning docker containers
04-Dec-2024 01:48:57 Stalled docker containers to remove:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:57 77c42da61c75 d09f03fdbfd2 d2c4c0e3aaef 1a401236c83b
04-Dec-2024 01:48:57 Removing stalled docker containers
04-Dec-2024 01:48:57 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 77c42da61c75: Container 77c42da61c758a34060218661af2382f70cd5b9c324dd590f7bbe148500ede27 is not running
04-Dec-2024 01:48:57 77c42da61c75
04-Dec-2024 01:48:57 d09f03fdbfd2
04-Dec-2024 01:48:58 d09f03fdbfd2
04-Dec-2024 01:48:58 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: d2c4c0e3aaef: Container d2c4c0e3aaef06742fb54e8656582ee97e89a46feda29f06a5b57d608045902c is not running
04-Dec-2024 01:48:58 d2c4c0e3aaef
04-Dec-2024 01:48:58 1a401236c83b
04-Dec-2024 01:48:58 1a401236c83b
04-Dec-2024 01:48:59 Stalled docker volumes to remove:
04-Dec-2024 01:48:59
04-Dec-2024 01:48:59 Removing stalled docker volumes
04-Dec-2024 01:48:59 Removing stalled loopdevices
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Done
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Finished task 'Clear env and working dir' with result: Success
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Skipping task 'Qnthack - always fail on build 2' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:00 Publishing an artifact: report
04-Dec-2024 01:49:05 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [report], patterns: [**/*.*] anchored at: [onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/] in 5.087 s
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COB'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Finalising the build...
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Stopping timer.
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Build ODSRV-GAPT-COB-2956 completed.
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 All post build plugins have finished
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Generating build results summary...
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Saving build results to disk...
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Store variable context...
04-Dec-2024 01:49:06 Finished building ODSRV-GAPT-COB-2956.