GUI acceptance tests using environment deployed from packages.

Build: #2953 failed

Job: Onezone spaces basic was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Qnthack - copy quarantine

  2. Acceptance Test

  3. Qnthack - rerun


Build log

The build generated 1,043 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Build always requires a clean checkout
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Updating source code to revision: f1cc740ec9af6e3e9296d2bf1912d6348ba72fce
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/.git'.
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint:
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint:         git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint:
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint:
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 hint:         git branch -m <name>
30-Nov-2024 02:14:26 Initialized empty Git repository in /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/.git/
30-Nov-2024 02:14:27 Fetching 'refs/heads/develop' from 'ssh://'.
30-Nov-2024 02:14:27 Warning: Permanently added '[]:37181' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28 Checking out revision f1cc740ec9af6e3e9296d2bf1912d6348ba72fce.
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28 Switched to branch 'develop'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28 Updated source code to revision: f1cc740ec9af6e3e9296d2bf1912d6348ba72fce
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28 All conditions for task 'Init submodules' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [2-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.repository.git.repositoryUrl} with ssh://
30-Nov-2024 02:14:28 Starting task 'Init submodules' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Onezone spaces basic #2953 (ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 origin        ssh:// (fetch)
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 origin        ssh:// (push)
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 git submodule init
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'automation-examples' (ssh:// registered for path 'automation-examples'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'bamboos'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'cdmi_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'cdmi_swagger'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'one_env' (ssh:// registered for path 'one_env'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'onepanel_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'onepanel_swagger'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'oneprovider_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'oneprovider_swagger'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Submodule 'onezone_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'onezone_swagger'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 git submodule update --init --recursive
30-Nov-2024 02:14:29 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/automation-examples'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:30 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/bamboos'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:31 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/cdmi_swagger'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:31 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/one_env'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:32 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/onepanel_swagger'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:32 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/oneprovider_swagger'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:33 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/onezone_swagger'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:33 Submodule path 'automation-examples': checked out 'd437e1396007bff2514e435abb63af7e820a22fd'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:34 Submodule path 'bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:34 Submodule path 'cdmi_swagger': checked out '4dd9a95a3eb4602e83457b050b4f973bb6dc3822'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:34 Submodule path 'one_env': checked out 'f2fe9d76a0e43024e56c43b1b77d39010c9780ea'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:34 Submodule path 'onepanel_swagger': checked out '6ba7d202f7b2202f05c23e6e0317d7cba51da10f'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:34 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'onepanel_swagger/bamboos'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:34 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/onepanel_swagger/bamboos'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:35 Submodule path 'onepanel_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:35 Submodule path 'oneprovider_swagger': checked out '9af1ad3a25560c93284107837f808fea6c12df46'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:35 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'oneprovider_swagger/bamboos'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:36 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/oneprovider_swagger/bamboos'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:37 Submodule path 'oneprovider_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:37 Submodule path 'onezone_swagger': checked out '580273592bc142a45d2f2c83a3d28e86b8c53283'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:37 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'onezone_swagger/bamboos'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:37 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/onezone_swagger/bamboos'...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39 Submodule path 'onezone_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39 Finished task 'Init submodules' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39 Skipping task 'Pull surefire artifact and unpack it' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2|3
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39 All conditions for task 'Download artifacts' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39 Starting task 'Download artifacts' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Onezone spaces basic #2953 (ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:14:39 one_env/onenv pull_artifacts --hostname S3 --port 10161 --packages-only branchConfig.yaml
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 [WARNING] This is the first run on this host. Initializing config...
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 [INFO] Created config file: /home/bamboo/.one-env/config.yaml
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 [INFO] Initializing config:
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 [INFO]             hostHomeDir: '/home/bamboo'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 [INFO]         kubeHostHomeDir: '/home/bamboo'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 [WARNING] Please make sure that the auto-generated config is correct
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.3", GitCommit:"d506314abfb5d21419df8c7e7e68012379db2354", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.5"}
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 NAME        NAMESPACE        REVISION        UPDATED        STATUS        CHART        APP VERSION
30-Nov-2024 02:14:42 error: failed to create clusterrolebinding: "serviceaccounts-cluster-admin" already exists
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43 Finished task 'Download artifacts' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43 All conditions for task 'Codetag Tracker' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43 Starting task 'Codetag Tracker' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Onezone spaces basic #2953 (ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43 ./ -t tests/gui/scenarios/ --test-type gui -vvv --driver=Chrome -i onedata/acceptance_tests:v1.115 --xvfb --xvfb-recording=failed \
30-Nov-2024 02:14:43 -k= --timeout 600 --reruns 0 --reruns-delay 10   
30-Nov-2024 02:14:45 develop: Pulling from onezone-dev
30-Nov-2024 02:14:45 Digest: sha256:e59236a7390d9d03402d735aeb06edd104bc89b7eafacc63f41b74b06352847d
30-Nov-2024 02:14:45 Status: Image is up to date for
30-Nov-2024 02:14:45
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46 develop: Pulling from oneprovider-dev
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46 Digest: sha256:c54a752c66c0fec37794fffa60f3d78e017894cbf322dfa6570dba5a866a4163
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46 Status: Image is up to date for
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46 develop: Pulling from rest-cli
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46 Digest: sha256:717da3d152a87a4633a4982dc1daed216f8dfa93408360d780e8c9b245c5dde1
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46 Status: Image is up to date for
30-Nov-2024 02:14:46
30-Nov-2024 02:14:48 Sidecar injection has been disabled
30-Nov-2024 02:14:48 [WARNING] Could not find: /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments. Will attempt to delete only the default deployment.
30-Nov-2024 02:14:49 There is no default deployment to clean
30-Nov-2024 02:14:49 Deleted 0 k8s deployments
30-Nov-2024 02:14:49 Deleted 0 k8s services
30-Nov-2024 02:14:49 Deleted 0 persistent volumes
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 ============================= test session starts ==============================
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.1.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 cachedir: .pytest_cache
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 driver: Chrome
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 sensitiveurl: (.*\.)?onedata\.org
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 metadata: {'Python': '3.12.3', 'Platform': 'Linux-5.4.0-200-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.39', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.1.2', 'pluggy': '1.5.0'}, 'Plugins': {'bdd': '7.2.0', 'selenium': '4.1.0', 'cov': '5.0.0', 'html': '4.1.1', 'variables': '3.1.0', 'rerunfailures': '14.0', 'metadata': '3.1.1', 'base-url': '2.1.0'}, 'Base URL': '', 'Driver': 'Chrome', 'Capabilities': {}}
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 driver: Chrome
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 rootdir: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 configfile: pytest.ini
30-Nov-2024 02:14:51 plugins: bdd-7.2.0, selenium-4.1.0, cov-5.0.0, html-4.1.1, variables-3.1.0, rerunfailures-14.0, metadata-3.1.1, base-url-2.1.0
30-Nov-2024 02:14:52 collecting ... collected 30 items
30-Nov-2024 02:14:52
30-Nov-2024 02:14:54 error: failed to create clusterrolebinding: "serviceaccounts-cluster-admin" already exists
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed-enter] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ Running command: ['one_env/onenv', 'init']
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.3", GitCommit:"d506314abfb5d21419df8c7e7e68012379db2354", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.5"}
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 NAME        NAMESPACE        REVISION        UPDATED        STATUS        CHART        APP VERSION
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Running command: ['./onenv', 'up', '-zi', '', '-pi', '', '-ri', '', '--timeout', '600', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/environments/1oz_1op_deployed.yaml']
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 [INFO] Resolving image options:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 [INFO]                          onezoneImage ->
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 [INFO]                      oneproviderImage ->
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 ...Successfully got an update from the "onedata" chart repository
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Sidecar injection has been disabled
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 [INFO] Adding repo to helm repositories
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 "onedata" already exists with the same configuration, skipping
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 NAME: dev
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Nov 30 02:15:00 2024
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 NAMESPACE: default
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 STATUS: deployed
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 REVISION: 1
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 TEST SUITE: None
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Running command: ['./onenv', 'wait', '--timeout', '600']
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Running command: ['./onenv', 'status']
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 ready: True
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 pods:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12     dev-oneprovider-krakow-0:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         name: dev-oneprovider-krakow
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         domain: dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         service-type: oneprovider
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         ip:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         container-id: ff27beea3d6fbe639c8c6b5185bdef34f7155e0663840c1959e20270ba21b62e
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         hostname:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12     dev-onezone-0:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         name: dev-onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         domain: dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         service-type: onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         ip:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         container-id: e0e40a5b52ffdd9778ed7b9ed56f4756dd1140fb44d42a0cbe72366da65601ce
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12         hostname:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Running command: ['./onenv', 'hosts']
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Removed hosts entry:        dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Removed hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Removed hosts entry:        dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Removed hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Added hosts entry:        dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Added hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Added hosts entry:        dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 Added hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 - Executing scenario 'User successfully renames space in space info tile'
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser writes "space2" into rename space text field
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser confirms rename the space using enter
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space1" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:17:12 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed-button] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 - Executing scenario 'User successfully renames space in space info tile'
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser writes "space2" into rename space text field
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser confirms rename the space using button
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space1" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:17:50 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 - Executing scenario 'User successfully renames space in the sidebar'
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Rename" button in space "space1" menu
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser writes "space2" into input box in space title sidebar item
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on save icon in space title sidebar item
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space1" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:18:19 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 - Executing scenario 'User successfully cancels rename space'
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser writes "space2" into rename space text field
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on cancel button on overview page
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space1" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:18:48 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 - Executing scenario 'User successfully leaves space'
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser creates "space2" space in Onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space2" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Leave" button in space "space2" menu
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Leave button
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:19:26 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 - Executing scenario 'User successfully removes space'
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser creates "space2" space in Onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space2" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Remove" button in space "space2" menu
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on understand notice checkbox in "Remove space" modal
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Remove" button in "Remove space" modal
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:19:59 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 - Executing scenario 'User successfully cancels leave space'
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser creates "space2" space in Onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space2" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Leave" button in space "space2" menu
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Cancel button
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space2" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:20:33 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 - Executing scenario 'User sees no supporting providers after create new space'
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser creates "space2" space in Onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees 0 number of supporting providers of "space2"
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:21:01 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 - Executing scenario 'User sees that space size is zero right after creating'
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser creates "space2" space in Onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees 0 B size of the "space2"
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:21:30 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 - Executing scenario 'User sees that provider is added to supporters list after supporting space'
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Providers" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees "oneprovider-1" is on the providers list
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that length of providers list equals number of supporting providers of "space1"
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:21:54 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 - Executing scenario 'User successfully copies support token (space has already supported by one provider)'
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Providers" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks Add support button on providers page
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks Copy button on Add support page
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees copy token and token in support token text field are the same
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that copied token is non-empty
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:22:24 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 - Executing scenario 'User can leave the space which was owned by them and was its only user'
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees 1 user in space members subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees [you, owner, direct] status labels for "space-owner-user" user in space members subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Leave" button in space "space1" menu
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Leave button
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "space1" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:22:57 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 - Executing scenario 'User sees space details in space overview subpage'
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user opened space_owner_browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Marketplace" button in spaces sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Advertise your space" button in Space Marketplace subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser chooses "space1" in spaces dropdown menu in modal "Advertise space"
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Configure..." button in modal "Advertise space"
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees that "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle is not checked on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sets space configuration as follows: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees Space Details tile in space overview subpage with following information: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:23:57 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed-enter] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 - Executing scenario 'User creates new space (with new space button in the sidebar)'
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 - from feature 'Create new space'
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "Create space" button in spaces sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser writes "space1" into space name text field
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms create new space using enter
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "space1" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:24:17 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed-button] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 - Executing scenario 'User creates new space (with new space button in the sidebar)'
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 - from feature 'Create new space'
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "Create space" button in spaces sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser writes "space1" into space name text field
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms create new space using button
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "space1" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:24:37 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed-enter] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 - Executing scenario 'User creates new space (with Get started button)'
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 - from feature 'Create new space'
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user of browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks Create a space on Welcome page
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user of browser writes "space1" into space name text field
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms create new space using enter
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "space1" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:24:54 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed-button] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 - Executing scenario 'User creates new space (with Get started button)'
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 - from feature 'Create new space'
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user of browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks Create a space on Welcome page
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user of browser writes "space1" into space name text field
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user of browser confirms create new space using button
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "space1" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:25:14 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 - Executing scenario 'User switches between spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces'
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser opened Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "space1" label on overview page
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space2" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "space2" label on overview page
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:25:32 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 - Executing scenario 'User removes relation between group and space (direct)'
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces memberships in Onezone GUI'
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: users opened [browser1, space_owner_browser] browsers' windows
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of [browser1, space_owner_browser] opened [Onezone, Onezone] page
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of [browser1, space_owner_browser] logged as [user1, space-owner-user] to [Onezone, Onezone] service
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space-owner-user" user in "space1" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees 2 membership rows in space memberships mode
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "group3" member relation menu button to "space1" space
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Remove relation" in space membership relation menu
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Remove" button in modal "REMOVE MEMBER"
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees 1 membership row in space memberships mode
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser does not see that "group3" group is member of "space1" space in space memberships mode
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:26:18 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 - Executing scenario 'User removes relation between group and space (effect)'
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces memberships in Onezone GUI'
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: users opened [browser1, space_owner_browser] browsers' windows
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of [browser1, space_owner_browser] opened [Onezone, Onezone] page
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of [browser1, space_owner_browser] logged as [user1, space-owner-user] to [Onezone, Onezone] service
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space2" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Members" of "space2" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "group2" group in "space2" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sets following privileges for "group2" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "space2" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "Members" of "space2" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "user1" user in "space2" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on "group2" member relation menu button to "space2" space
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on "Remove relation" in space membership relation menu
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on "Remove" button in modal "REMOVE MEMBER"
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 -- Executing step: user of browser1 sees that "space2" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:27:32 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 - Executing scenario 'User leaves the space in members subpage'
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 - from feature 'Basic management of spaces memberships in Onezone GUI'
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: users opened [browser1, space_owner_browser] browsers' windows
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of [browser1, space_owner_browser] opened [Onezone, Onezone] page
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of [browser1, space_owner_browser] logged as [user1, space-owner-user] to [Onezone, Onezone] service
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "space3" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "Members" of "space3" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "user1" user in "space3" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on "user1" member relation menu button to "space3" space
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on "Remove relation" in space membership relation menu
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on "Leave" button in modal "LEAVE SPACE"
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 -- Executing step: user of browser1 sees that "space3" has disappeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:28:15 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 - Executing scenario 'User sees that group effective privileges are the sum of its direct parent direct privileges and its direct privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 - from feature 'Spaces effective privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "child_group1" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "child_group1" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "parent_group1" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "parent_group1" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "child_group1" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following effective privileges of "child_group1" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:29:06 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 - Executing scenario 'User sees that user effective privileges are the sum of its direct parent direct privileges and its direct privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 - from feature 'Spaces effective privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "parent_group1" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "parent_group1" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "user2" user in "space1" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "user2" user in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "user2" user in "space1" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following effective privileges of "user2" user in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:29:54 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 - Executing scenario 'User sees that group effective privileges are the sum of its direct parents direct privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 - from feature 'Spaces effective privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "parent_group1" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "parent_group1" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "parent_group2" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "parent_group2" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "child_group2" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following effective privileges of "child_group2" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:30:46 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 - Executing scenario 'User sees that user effective privileges are the sum of its direct parents direct privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 - from feature 'Spaces effective privileges'
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as user1 to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on Data in the main menu
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "parent_group1" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "parent_group1" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "parent_group2" group in "space1" space members groups list
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following privileges of "parent_group2" group in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "user3" user in "space1" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 -- Executing step: user of browser sees following effective privileges of "user3" user in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:31:38 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 - Executing scenario 'User sees own space in the Marketplace after configuring it'
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 - from feature 'Basic management of Space Marketplace'
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that the space is not advertised in the Marketplace tile in space overview subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Configure advertisement" link in the Marketplace tile in space overview subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle is not checked on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sets space configuration as follows: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser checks "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser writes "" into contact email text field in modal "Advertise space in the Marketplace"
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser accepts terms of privacy in Space Marketplace using checkbox in modal "Advertise space in the Marketplace"
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "Proceed" button in modal "Advertise space in the Marketplace"
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle is checked on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees "" in marketplace contact e-mail address text field
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "space1" space is advertised in the marketplace in space sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that the space is advertised in the Marketplace tile in space overview subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Show" link in the Marketplace tile in space overview subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 -- Executing step: user of browser sees advertised space on Space Marketplace subpage with following parameters: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:32:50 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 - Executing scenario 'User is asked about unsaved changes in space configuration subpage and can save them'
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 - from feature 'Basic management of Space Marketplace'
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user opened browser window
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser opened onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser logged as space-owner-user to Onezone service
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Configuration" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser provides space configuration without saving as follows: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser sees that "There are unsaved changes" modal has appeared
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks on "Save" button in modal "There are unsaved changes"
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser clicks "Overview" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 -- Executing step: user of browser sees Space Details tile in space overview subpage with following information: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:33:36 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 - Executing scenario 'User sees space, of which he is a member, in the Marketplace after getting Manage in Marketplace privileges and configuring it'
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 - from feature 'Basic management of space marketplace privileges for users in Onezone GUI'
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: opened [browser_user1, space_owner_browser] with [user1, space-owner-user] signed in to [Onezone, Onezone] service
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "user1" user in "space1" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sets following privileges for "user1" user in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 clicks "Configuration" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sees "READ-ONLY" header label in configuration space
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sees "Insufficient privileges" message after hovering over "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle in configuration space
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "user1" user in "space1" space members users list
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sets following privileges for "user1" user in space members subpage: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 clicks "Configuration" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 changes organization name for "org_name1" in space configuration subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sets organization description "some desc" in space configuration subpage
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 checks "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 writes "" into contact email text field in modal "Advertise space in the Marketplace"
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 accepts terms of privacy in Space Marketplace using checkbox in modal "Advertise space in the Marketplace"
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 clicks on "Proceed" button in modal "Advertise space in the Marketplace"
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sees that "Advertise in Marketplace" toggle is checked on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sees "" in marketplace contact e-mail address text field
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sees that "space1" space is advertised in the marketplace in space sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 clicks "View in Marketplace" link on space configuration page
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 -- Executing step: user of browser_user1 sees advertised space on Space Marketplace subpage with following parameters: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:35:00 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 - Executing scenario 'User has access to space via group membership'
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 - from feature 'Test user has access to space via group membership'
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: directory tree structure on local file system: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: users opened [space_owner_browser, browser1] browsers' windows
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: users of [space_owner_browser, browser1] opened [Onezone, Onezone] page
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: users of [space_owner_browser, browser1] logged as [space-owner-user, user1] to [Onezone, Onezone] service
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "space1" on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser uses upload button from file browser menu bar to upload files from local directory "dir1" to remote current dir without waiting for upload to finish
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks "Members" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser clicks on "Invite group using token" button in groups list menu in "space1" space members view
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser copies invitation token from modal
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser closes "Invite using token" modal
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sends copied token to user of browser1
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 adds group "group1" to space using copied token
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 sees that "space1" has appeared on the spaces list in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "Files" of "space1" space in the sidebar
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 sees file browser in files tab in Oneprovider page
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks on menu for "file1.txt" file in file browser
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 clicks "Download" option in data row menu in file browser
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 -- Executing step: user of browser1 sees that "file1.txt" has been downloaded
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:36:01 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 tests/gui/scenarios/[1oz_1op_deployed] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 - Executing scenario 'User fails to join to the space because the space was deleted'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 - from feature 'Test user has access to space via group membership'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: initial users configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: initial groups configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: initial spaces configuration in "onezone" Onezone service: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: directory tree structure on local file system: (...)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: users opened [space_owner_browser, browser1] browsers' windows
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: users of [space_owner_browser, browser1] opened [Onezone, Onezone] page
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: users of [space_owner_browser, browser1] logged as [space-owner-user, user1] to [Onezone, Onezone] service
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser copies invite token to "space1" space
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser sends copied token to user of browser1
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: user of space_owner_browser removes "space1" spaces in Onezone page
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: user of browser1 tries to join space using received token
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Executing step: user of browser1 sees error modal with info about invalid target with id of "space1" space
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 Running command: ['./onenv', 'export', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/report.1732932891.5205615', '-c', '/tmp/logs']
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-mbzmn. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-mbzmn/entrypoint.log for more details
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-panel
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          14,279  16%   13.62MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          29,472  33%   28.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          29,472  33%   28.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          43,548  49%   41.53MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          43,839  50%   41.81MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          43,839  50%    3.80MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-worker
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=42/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          20,809   3%   19.85MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=40/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          40,226   6%   38.36MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=38/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          40,226   6%   38.36MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=36/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          40,226   6%   38.36MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=34/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          58,291  10%   55.59MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=32/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          58,441  10%   55.73MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=30/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          58,738  10%   56.02MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=28/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         208,634  36%   49.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=26/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         218,942  37%   52.20MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=16/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         222,581  38%   53.07MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=15/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         223,252  38%   53.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=14/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         237,094  41%   45.22MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=13/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         247,970  42%   47.30MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=12/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         259,190  44%   49.44MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=11/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         262,027  45%   49.98MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=10/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         275,069  47%   37.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=9/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         287,486  49%   39.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=8/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         297,061  51%   40.47MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=7/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         298,418  51%   35.57MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=6/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         308,954  53%   36.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=5/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         318,920  55%   38.02MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=4/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         330,539  57%   39.40MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=3/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         344,035  59%   36.46MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=2/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         356,794  61%   37.81MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=1/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         368,753  63%   39.07MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=0/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         368,753  63%   39.07MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=0/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         368,753  63%   39.07MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=0/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         368,753  63%   35.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=0/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         368,753  63%   35.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=0/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         368,753  63%   35.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=0/45)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/cluster-manager
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           2,022  14%    1.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           4,818  34%    4.59MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           4,818  34%    4.59MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           6,637  48%    6.33MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           6,899  50%    6.58MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           6,899  50%  336.87kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-worker
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=17/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          22,425   3%   21.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=15/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          45,597   6%   43.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=13/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          45,597   6%   43.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=11/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          67,542   9%   64.41MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=9/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          67,633   9%   64.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=7/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         204,959  28%   97.73MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=5/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         205,256  28%   97.87MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=3/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         356,885  50%   85.09MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=1/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06         356,885  50%   68.07MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=0/20)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/cluster-manager
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           1,978  14%    1.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           4,708  34%    4.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           4,708  34%    4.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           6,483  48%    6.18MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           6,745  50%    6.43MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           6,745  50%    3.22MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-02.14.55/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-panel
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06           7,902  16%    7.54MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          16,599  33%   15.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          16,599  33%   15.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          24,298  49%   23.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          24,589  50%   23.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06          24,589  50%   11.72MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 [WARNING] Directory /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/report.1732932891.5205615 exists, exporting anyway.
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 =============================== warnings summary ===============================
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06     print("""
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06     return path.replace("'", "\\'").replace(' ', '\ ')
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 -- Docs:
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 - generated xml file: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/test-reports/results.xml -
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 - Generated html report: file:///mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/report.1732932891.5205615/report.html -
30-Nov-2024 02:37:06 ================= 30 passed, 4 warnings in 1335.18s (0:22:15) ==================
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 release "dev" uninstalled
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 Sidecar injection has been disabled
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 Cleaning helm release "dev"...
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 Deleted 1 helm deployments
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 Deleted 0 k8s deployments
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 Deleted 0 k8s services
30-Nov-2024 02:37:12 Deleted 0 persistent volumes
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 [INFO] Using image for service onezone
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 [INFO] Using image for service oneprovider
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 [INFO] Using image for service rest-cli
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Finished task 'Codetag Tracker' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Starting task 'Parse test results' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT...
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Finished task 'Parse test results' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 All conditions for task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Starting task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Onezone spaces basic #2953 (ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 ./bamboos/artifacts/ --hostname S3 --port 10161 --username ubuntu --branch develop --plan onedata-acceptance --artifact-name surefire_Onezone_spaces_basic.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Uploading artifact
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13     source path: surefire_Onezone_spaces_basic.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13     dest.  path: artifacts/onedata-acceptance/develop/surefire_Onezone_spaces_basic.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Finished task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 All conditions for task 'Pack logs' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Starting task 'Pack logs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Onezone spaces basic #2953 (ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 cp: cannot stat 'onedata-acceptance/one_env/sources_info.yaml': No such file or directory
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Finished task 'Pack logs' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 All conditions for task 'Clear env and working dir' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.OnedataFinalTasksURL} with
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13 Starting task 'Clear env and working dir' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:13
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - gui acceptance pkg - Onezone spaces basic #2953 (ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 02:37:14   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
30-Nov-2024 02:37:14                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
30-Nov-2024 02:37:14
30-Nov-2024 02:37:14   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
30-Nov-2024 02:37:14 100  4822  100  4822    0     0  18835      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 18835
30-Nov-2024 02:37:14 Clearing /tmp/onedata and /home/bamboo/.one-env
30-Nov-2024 02:37:16 Cleaning helm deployments
30-Nov-2024 02:37:16 Cleanining pods
30-Nov-2024 02:37:16 Cleaning kube persistant volumes
30-Nov-2024 02:37:17 Cleaning dockswift container
30-Nov-2024 02:37:17 Cleaning docker containers
30-Nov-2024 02:37:19 Stalled docker containers to remove:
30-Nov-2024 02:37:19 c18fd047c403 ad966de5bc60 4472c0d0ee08 eea7c0ebc6c9 39d3d96a3b5a 7f4f3d01d6cf be9b34c5a678 6450e6f80aaa b7cf353fbb9a b1304e0a9545 7e9efae8da40 d7062352630b a20f29136e8f 25e127afa155
30-Nov-2024 02:37:19 Removing stalled docker containers
30-Nov-2024 02:37:19 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: c18fd047c403: Container c18fd047c403662ade65ea355639c9567a0dc8cfcbe86bb02be98756f0f032fc is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:19 c18fd047c403
30-Nov-2024 02:37:19 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: ad966de5bc60: Container ad966de5bc60d2137a07df9f474086e383ef29b1f7c6ac01ec989f357993b866 is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 ad966de5bc60
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 4472c0d0ee08: Container 4472c0d0ee080d34063523a4b2fda6b2812502ba22844da3918ef3b3ac622217 is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 4472c0d0ee08
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: eea7c0ebc6c9: Container eea7c0ebc6c9a9b4fe23c033c7ad49b7aebc753a0b4777ddfe3025096b630d2d is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 eea7c0ebc6c9
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 39d3d96a3b5a: Container 39d3d96a3b5ace49d143ab6fd1aa59bf699bcf248e9a20a89f0f972d5ab6fb65 is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 39d3d96a3b5a
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 7f4f3d01d6cf: Container 7f4f3d01d6cf999443f9d5f6695dee44cdcd6bb676d8c74f3357daed7e19eb1a is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 7f4f3d01d6cf
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: be9b34c5a678: Container be9b34c5a678a07a4e0e9185fe1677503716779dae5321b68de549af1ae0587f is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 be9b34c5a678
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 6450e6f80aaa: Container 6450e6f80aaa036b05c5ccfc6957956115820c02f8f5bf9a70d8e001174a1b50 is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 6450e6f80aaa
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: b7cf353fbb9a: Container b7cf353fbb9a7389f38e223f95abd9e90d0652b9425d91aa942c64b17b44eaae is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 b7cf353fbb9a
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: b1304e0a9545: Container b1304e0a9545768a41a62a8539da4882fed49756ceb6069bffe7ec224de8dc2c is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:20 b1304e0a9545
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 7e9efae8da40: Container 7e9efae8da40b699013c64b7796c49b698232918149ea940d1e72f6179ebe9ed is not running
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 7e9efae8da40
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: d7062352630b: No such container: d7062352630b
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 Error response from daemon: No such container: d7062352630b
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: a20f29136e8f: No such container: a20f29136e8f
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 Error response from daemon: No such container: a20f29136e8f
30-Nov-2024 02:37:21 25e127afa155
30-Nov-2024 02:37:22 25e127afa155
30-Nov-2024 02:37:22 Stalled docker volumes to remove:
30-Nov-2024 02:37:22
30-Nov-2024 02:37:22 Removing stalled docker volumes
30-Nov-2024 02:37:22 Removing stalled loopdevices
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Done
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Finished task 'Clear env and working dir' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Skipping task 'Qnthack - always fail on build 2' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Publishing an artifact: report
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [report], patterns: [**/*.*] anchored at: [onedata-acceptance/tests/gui/logs/] in 203.0 ms
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Finalising the build...
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Stopping timer.
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Build ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953 completed.
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 All post build plugins have finished
30-Nov-2024 02:37:23 Generating build results summary...
30-Nov-2024 02:37:24 Saving build results to disk...
30-Nov-2024 02:37:24 Store variable context...
30-Nov-2024 02:37:24 Finished building ODSRV-GAPT-COSBT-2953.