oneclient acceptance tests using environment deployed from packages

Build: #3372 was successful

Job: directory CRUD was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Qnthack - copy quarantine

  2. Acceptance Test

  3. Qnthack - rerun


Build log

The build generated 1,218 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-persistent-volume-claims-templates (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 NAME: dev
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Nov 30 00:27:35 2024
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 NAMESPACE: default
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 STATUS: deployed
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 REVISION: 1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 TEST SUITE: None
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['./onenv', 'wait', '--timeout', '600']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['./onenv', 'status']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 ready: True
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 pods:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09     dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         service-type: oneclient
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         ip:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         container-id: 72cfc971fd887aa4dabf323e248dd6e12fd6bc933e0b3c434e418b78c6e105aa
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         provider-host: dev-oneprovider-krakow
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09     dev-oneprovider-krakow-0:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         name: dev-oneprovider-krakow
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         domain: dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         service-type: oneprovider
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         ip:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         container-id: ea4d3caf1f8a98421f08ec869489d6b71352efb1a5b564977ae3282f43a7b515
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         hostname:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09     dev-onezone-0:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         name: dev-onezone
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         domain: dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         service-type: onezone
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         ip:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         container-id: c5b86f38781e6b68b002bb2a0aa9ee3e5e009e49c097956dc4e41ac5dc057c19
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09         hostname:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['./onenv', 'hosts']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Removed hosts entry:        dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Removed hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Removed hosts entry:        dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Removed hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Added hosts entry:        dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Added hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Added hosts entry:        dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Added hosts entry:
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'id', '-u', 'space_owner']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '24849', 'space_owner']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding user `space_owner' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new group `space_owner' (24849) ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new user `space_owner' (24849) with group `space_owner' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Creating home directory `/home/space_owner' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '25687', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding user `user1' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new group `user1' (25687) ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new user `user1' (25687) with group `user1' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Creating home directory `/home/user1' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '30628', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding user `user2' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new group `user2' (30628) ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new user `user2' (30628) with group `user2' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Creating home directory `/home/user2' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space1', '/etc/group']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '54356', 'space1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space2', '/etc/group']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '55062', 'space2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'fuse', '/etc/group']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '46411', 'fuse']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'space_owner']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '24849', 'space_owner']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding user `space_owner' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new group `space_owner' (24849) ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Adding new user `space_owner' (24849) with group `space_owner' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Creating home directory `/home/space_owner' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 id: ‘user1’: no such user
30-Nov-2024 00:30:09 command terminated with exit code 1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:10 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:11 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:11 id: ‘user2’: no such user
30-Nov-2024 00:30:11 command terminated with exit code 1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:11 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:12 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:12 command terminated with exit code 1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:12 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:12 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:13 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:13 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:13 command terminated with exit code 1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:13 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:13 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:14 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:14 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:14 command terminated with exit code 1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:14 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:14 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:15 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '25687', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Adding user `user1' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Adding new group `user1' (25687) ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Adding new user `user1' (25687) with group `user1' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Creating home directory `/home/user1' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '30628', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Adding user `user2' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Adding new group `user2' (30628) ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Adding new user `user2' (30628) with group `user2' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Creating home directory `/home/user2' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space1', '/etc/group']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '54356', 'space1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space2', '/etc/group']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '55062', 'space2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'fuse', '/etc/group']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '46411', 'fuse']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user1']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user2']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 - Executing scenario 'Create directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/5rx7jr90inctggo1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/5rx7jr90inctggo1 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/5rx7jr90inctggo1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '6496400390927534351'...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/5rx7jr90inctggo1'.
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directories [space1/dir1, space1/dir2, space1/dir3]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir1, dir2, dir3] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir1, dir2, dir3] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:30:29
30-Nov-2024 00:30:30 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:30:30 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/5rx7jr90inctggo1
30-Nov-2024 00:30:30
30-Nov-2024 00:30:30
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 - Executing scenario 'Create directory in spaces directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/pcjd2u0me7l5v0nl
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/pcjd2u0me7l5v0nl --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/pcjd2u0me7l5v0nl
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '10071333312005778599'...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/pcjd2u0me7l5v0nl'.
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 fails to create directories [dir]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/pcjd2u0me7l5v0nl
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:30:45
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 - Executing scenario 'Create space'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/60kcic91udeeqqcv
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/60kcic91udeeqqcv --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/60kcic91udeeqqcv
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '4317710399282365813'...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/60kcic91udeeqqcv'.
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 fails to create directories [space1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/60kcic91udeeqqcv
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:01
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 - Executing scenario 'Rename directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/d5fudjosk9kpesa3
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/d5fudjosk9kpesa3 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/d5fudjosk9kpesa3
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '570286595352855010'...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/d5fudjosk9kpesa3'.
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directories [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 renames space1/dir1 to space1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir2] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can't stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir2] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/d5fudjosk9kpesa3
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:18
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 - Executing scenario 'Delete empty directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/cztrpt3nnziqfy9p
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/cztrpt3nnziqfy9p --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/cztrpt3nnziqfy9p
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '14074915617175823305'...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/cztrpt3nnziqfy9p'.
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directories [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 deletes directories (rmdir) [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can't stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/cztrpt3nnziqfy9p
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:35
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 - Executing scenario 'Fail to delete space'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/wl2oar2e4a37kyd1
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/wl2oar2e4a37kyd1 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/wl2oar2e4a37kyd1
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '10825235549084778248'...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/wl2oar2e4a37kyd1'.
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 deletes directories (rm -rf) [space1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can list space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/wl2oar2e4a37kyd1
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:31:52
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 - Executing scenario 'Create child directories'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/1h74275ot04k8eae
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/1h74275ot04k8eae --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/1h74275ot04k8eae
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17553053818682458175'...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/1h74275ot04k8eae'.
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/child1, space1/dir1/child2, space1/dir1/child3]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [child1, child2, child3] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [child1, child2, child3] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/1h74275ot04k8eae
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:08
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 - Executing scenario 'Create child directories 2'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/kob51yowhzjtsx78
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/kob51yowhzjtsx78 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/kob51yowhzjtsx78
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17577156545570719704'...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/kob51yowhzjtsx78'.
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/dir2/dir3/child1, space1/dir1/dir2/child1, space1/dir1/child1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir2, child1] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir3, child1] in space1/dir1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [child1] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir2, child1] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir3, child1] in space1/dir1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [child1] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/kob51yowhzjtsx78
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:24
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 - Executing scenario 'Fail to create a duplicate directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/vpaticaj4ywmynx9
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/vpaticaj4ywmynx9 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/vpaticaj4ywmynx9
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '11514287906785206061'...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/vpaticaj4ywmynx9'.
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directories [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 fails to create directories [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/vpaticaj4ywmynx9
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:41
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 - Executing scenario 'Delete empty directory and parents'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/43s67mpidgbmrlbw
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/43s67mpidgbmrlbw --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/43s67mpidgbmrlbw
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '3411581340590369735'...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/43s67mpidgbmrlbw'.
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/dir2/dir3]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir2] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir3] in space1/dir1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 deletes directory (rmdir -p) [space1/dir1/dir2/dir3]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can't stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/43s67mpidgbmrlbw
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:32:59
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 - Executing scenario 'Fail to delete non-empty directory using rmdir'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/zfd3nmwblrtamwim
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/zfd3nmwblrtamwim --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/zfd3nmwblrtamwim
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '14076887759184450326'...
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/zfd3nmwblrtamwim'.
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directories [space1/dir1, space1/dir1/child1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [child1] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 fails to delete directories (rmdir) [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [child1] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [child1] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/zfd3nmwblrtamwim
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:15
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 - Executing scenario 'Delete non-empty directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/xjpbeo00yvoxz32m
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/xjpbeo00yvoxz32m --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/xjpbeo00yvoxz32m
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17014303392038867129'...
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/xjpbeo00yvoxz32m'.
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/child1, space1/dir1/child2, space1/dir2/dir3/child1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1, dir2] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [child1, child2] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir3] in space1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [child1] in space1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 deletes directories (rm -rf) [space1/dir1, space1/dir2]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can't stat [dir1, dir2] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see [dir1, dir2] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:33:34
30-Nov-2024 00:33:35 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:33:35 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/xjpbeo00yvoxz32m
30-Nov-2024 00:33:35
30-Nov-2024 00:33:35
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 - Executing scenario 'Move directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/dm19zq2xwaer6zdo
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/dm19zq2xwaer6zdo --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/dm19zq2xwaer6zdo
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '5299765414540076366'...
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/dm19zq2xwaer6zdo'.
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/dir2/dir3, space1/dir4/dir5]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1, dir4] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir2] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir3] in space1/dir1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir5] in space1/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 renames space1/dir4/dir5 to space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can't stat [dir5] in space1/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see [dir5] in space1/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir1, dir4] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir5] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir1, dir4] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir5] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:33:53
30-Nov-2024 00:33:54 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:33:54 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/dm19zq2xwaer6zdo
30-Nov-2024 00:33:54
30-Nov-2024 00:33:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 - Executing scenario 'Copy directory'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/s3u1ya1px5e3a1jc
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/s3u1ya1px5e3a1jc --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/s3u1ya1px5e3a1jc
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17484935946129291057'...
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/s3u1ya1px5e3a1jc'.
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/dir2/dir3, space1/dir4/dir5]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1, dir4] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir2] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir3] in space1/dir1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir5] in space1/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 copies directory space1/dir4 to space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir5] in space1/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir5] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir5] in space1/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir5] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/s3u1ya1px5e3a1jc
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:10
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 - Executing scenario 'Fail to move directory to itself'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/57m8nms6w8xu5dci
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/57m8nms6w8xu5dci --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/57m8nms6w8xu5dci
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '3870136710764957850'...
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/57m8nms6w8xu5dci'.
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directories [space1/dir1]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 fails to move space1/dir1 to space1/dir1 using shell command"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 can stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/57m8nms6w8xu5dci
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:27
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 - Executing scenario 'Fail to move directory to its subtree'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 - from feature 'Directory_CRUD'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr' successfully started
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/zsvct249jyx3nhhr
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/zsvct249jyx3nhhr --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/zsvct249jyx3nhhr
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '95378962717864667'...
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Getting configuration...
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/zsvct249jyx3nhhr'.
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates directory and parents [space1/dir1/dir2/dir3]"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir2] in space1/dir1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir3] in space1/dir1/dir2"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 fails to rename space1/dir1 to space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 can stat [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees [dir1] in space1"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 can't stat [dir1] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 doesn't see [dir1] in space1/dir1/dir2/dir3"'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47 =================================================================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:47
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 PASSED
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/zsvct249jyx3nhhr
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 Running command: ['./onenv', 'export', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/logs/singleprovider_singleclient_directio/test_directory_CRUD.1732926887.4858892', '-c', '/tmp/logs']
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-56kfm. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-56kfm/entrypoint.log for more details
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr: /tmp/logs -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-59wvr/oneclient_logs
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#0, to-chk=119/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          36,169   1%   34.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=118/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          36,169   1%   34.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=112/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          36,631   1%   34.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=114/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         179,439   6%   85.56MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=113/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         179,901   6%   85.78MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=112/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         209,455   7%   66.58MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=111/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         209,917   7%   66.73MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=107/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         326,257  12%   77.79MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=106/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         326,719  12%   77.90MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=105/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         327,347  12%   62.44MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=104/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         347,703  13%   55.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=103/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         348,261  13%   55.35MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=99/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         452,292  17%   61.62MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=98/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         452,850  17%   61.70MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=97/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         485,085  18%   57.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=96/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         485,835  18%   57.92MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=92/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         598,117  22%   57.04MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=91/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         598,867  22%   57.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=90/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         612,413  23%   58.40MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=89/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         612,779  23%   58.44MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=85/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         659,009  24%   62.85MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=84/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         659,375  24%   62.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=83/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         676,442  25%   64.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=82/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         676,808  25%   64.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=78/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         743,105  28%   64.43MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=77/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         743,471  28%   64.46MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=76/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         766,280  28%   60.90MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=75/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         766,838  28%   60.94MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=71/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         852,107  32%   62.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=70/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         852,665  32%   62.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#29, to-chk=69/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         853,293  32%   62.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#30, to-chk=68/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         897,985  33%   65.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#31, to-chk=67/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         898,447  33%   65.91MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#32, to-chk=63/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,127,722  42%   63.26MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=62/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,128,184  42%   63.29MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#34, to-chk=61/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,176,887  44%   53.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#35, to-chk=60/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,177,733  44%   53.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#36, to-chk=56/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,396,305  52%   53.26MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#37, to-chk=55/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,397,151  52%   53.30MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#38, to-chk=54/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,410,318  53%   53.80MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#39, to-chk=53/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,410,588  53%   53.81MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#40, to-chk=49/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,456,639  54%   36.56MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=48/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,456,909  55%   35.63MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#42, to-chk=47/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,457,537  55%   35.64MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#43, to-chk=46/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,519,036  57%   37.15MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#44, to-chk=45/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,519,882  57%   37.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#45, to-chk=41/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,524,025  57%   37.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#46, to-chk=40/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,894,599  71%   42.02MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#47, to-chk=39/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,895,445  71%   41.08MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#48, to-chk=38/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,896,073  71%   41.10MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#49, to-chk=37/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,914,793  72%   41.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#50, to-chk=36/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,915,351  72%   41.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=32/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,981,330  74%   42.94MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#52, to-chk=31/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,981,888  74%   42.00MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#53, to-chk=30/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,995,719  75%   42.29MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=29/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       1,995,989  75%   42.30MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#55, to-chk=25/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,052,309  77%   42.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#56, to-chk=24/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,052,579  77%   41.65MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#57, to-chk=23/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,053,207  77%   41.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#58, to-chk=22/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,102,570  79%   42.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#59, to-chk=21/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,103,224  79%   42.68MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#60, to-chk=17/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,303,889  86%   43.94MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#61, to-chk=16/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,304,543  87%   36.63MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#62, to-chk=15/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,329,709  87%   37.03MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#63, to-chk=14/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,330,171  87%   36.43MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#64, to-chk=10/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,438,227  92%   37.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#65, to-chk=9/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,438,689  92%   37.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#66, to-chk=8/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,472,615  93%   38.03MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#67, to-chk=7/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,473,077  93%   38.04MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#68, to-chk=3/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,617,609  98%   38.41MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#69, to-chk=2/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,618,071  98%   38.41MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#70, to-chk=1/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   38.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   38.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   38.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   37.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   36.57MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   36.57MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54       2,645,801  99%   36.57MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#71, to-chk=0/141)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/cluster-manager
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           2,022  14%    1.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           4,776  34%    4.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           4,776  34%    4.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           6,595  48%    6.29MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           6,857  50%    6.54MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           6,857  50%    3.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-panel
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          20,018  16%   19.09MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          40,981  33%   39.08MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          40,981  33%   39.08MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          60,796  49%   57.98MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          61,087  50%   58.26MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          61,087  50%   29.13MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-worker
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=57/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          26,378   9%   25.16MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=55/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          50,635  18%   24.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=53/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          50,635  18%   24.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=51/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          50,635  18%   24.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=49/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          73,695  26%    5.86MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=47/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          73,845  26%    5.87MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=45/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          74,142  26%    5.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=43/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         111,979  40%    8.21MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=41/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         112,776  40%    8.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=31/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         115,108  41%    8.44MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=30/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         115,673  41%    8.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=29/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         116,067  41%    8.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=28/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         119,140  43%    8.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=27/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         121,818  43%    8.94MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=26/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         123,584  44%    9.07MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=25/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         125,175  45%    9.18MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=24/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         127,277  45%    9.34MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=23/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         129,837  46%    8.84MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=22/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         131,029  47%    8.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=21/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         131,194  47%    8.94MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=20/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         132,783  47%    9.05MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=19/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         135,854  49%    9.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=18/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         136,020  49%    9.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=17/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         137,782  49%    9.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=16/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         139,149  50%    9.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=15/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         141,880  51%    9.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=14/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         142,840  51%    9.73MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=13/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         145,343  52%    9.90MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#29, to-chk=12/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         146,134  52%    9.95MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#30, to-chk=11/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         147,155  53%    9.36MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#31, to-chk=10/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         149,145  53%    9.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#32, to-chk=9/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         149,537  53%    9.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=8/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         152,439  55%    9.69MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#34, to-chk=7/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         154,604  55%    9.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#35, to-chk=6/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         155,167  56%    9.87MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#36, to-chk=5/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         157,104  56%    9.99MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#37, to-chk=4/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         158,528  57%   10.08MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#38, to-chk=3/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         159,720  57%   10.15MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#39, to-chk=2/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         162,622  58%   10.34MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#40, to-chk=1/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         164,952  59%   10.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=0/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         164,952  59%    9.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=0/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         164,952  59%    9.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=0/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         164,952  59%    9.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=0/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         164,952  59%    9.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=0/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54         164,952  59%    9.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=0/60)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/cluster-manager
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           1,977  14%    1.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           4,664  34%    4.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           4,664  34%    4.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           6,438  48%    6.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           6,700  50%    6.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54           6,700  50%    1.06MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-panel
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          25,966  13%   24.76MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          53,003  27%   50.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          71,993  36%   22.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          97,756  49%   23.31MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          98,047  50%   23.38MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          98,047  50%   18.70MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-00.27.31/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-worker
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=15/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          15,040   8%   14.34MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=13/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          30,707  16%   29.28MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=11/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          30,707  16%   29.28MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=9/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          45,267  24%   43.17MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=7/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          45,358  24%   43.26MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=5/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          45,655  24%   43.54MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=3/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          92,655  50%   44.18MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=1/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54          92,655  50%   29.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=0/18)
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 [WARNING] Directory /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/logs/singleprovider_singleclient_directio/test_directory_CRUD.1732926887.4858892 exists, exporting anyway.
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 =============================== warnings summary ===============================
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54     print("""
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54     return path.replace("'", "\\'").replace(' ', '\ ')
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 tests/utils/
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 -- Docs:
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 - generated xml file: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance/test-reports/results.xml -
30-Nov-2024 00:34:54 ================== 16 passed, 4 warnings in 447.01s (0:07:27) ==================
30-Nov-2024 00:35:01 release "dev" uninstalled
30-Nov-2024 00:35:01 persistentvolumeclaim "local-volume-1-dev-oneprovider-krakow-0" deleted
30-Nov-2024 00:35:02 No resources found
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Sidecar injection has been disabled
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Cleaning helm release "dev"...
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Deleted 1 helm deployments
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Deleted 0 k8s deployments
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Deleted 0 k8s services
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Deleted 0 persistent volumes
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] Using image for service onezone
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] Using image for service oneprovider
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] Using image for service rest-cli
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 [INFO] Using image for service oneclient
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Finished task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Starting task 'Parse test results' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC...
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Finished task 'Parse test results' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 All conditions for task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 Starting task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - directory CRUD #3372 (ODSRV-OAP-DC-3372)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 00:35:04 ./bamboos/artifacts/ --hostname S3 --port 10161 --username ubuntu --branch develop --plan onedata-acceptance --artifact-name surefire_directory_CRUD.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 Uploading artifact
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05     source path: surefire_directory_CRUD.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05     dest.  path: artifacts/onedata-acceptance/develop/surefire_directory_CRUD.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 Finished task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 All conditions for task 'Pack logs' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 Starting task 'Pack logs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - directory CRUD #3372 (ODSRV-OAP-DC-3372)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 cp: cannot stat 'onedata-acceptance/one_env/sources_info.yaml': No such file or directory
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 Finished task 'Pack logs' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 All conditions for task 'Clear env and working dir' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.OnedataFinalTasksURL} with
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 Starting task 'Clear env and working dir' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - directory CRUD #3372 (ODSRV-OAP-DC-3372)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC/onedata-acceptance
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 Clearing /tmp/onedata and /home/bamboo/.one-env
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
30-Nov-2024 00:35:05 100  4822  100  4822    0     0  60275      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 60275
30-Nov-2024 00:35:06 Cleaning helm deployments
30-Nov-2024 00:35:06 Cleanining pods
30-Nov-2024 00:35:07 Cleaning kube persistant volumes
30-Nov-2024 00:35:07 Cleaning dockswift container
30-Nov-2024 00:35:07 Cleaning docker containers
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 Stalled docker containers to remove:
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 1c189654f016 0d86f372ccfe d6b08b20cd24 065ce4d57ee5 e6a8b3dde0c7 746d8b0fae74 dfe4541a9170 06e4fc4c4648 34859fefbd80 1c1fff1146b9 926902015faa f53508929b75 5eacde597a80 48b34f9bd3fd 3f9a8c367307
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 Removing stalled docker containers
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 1c189654f016: Container 1c189654f016a80b0cbfea619134b87ed249ca3b87e349afc759c691dcbfa006 is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 1c189654f016
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 0d86f372ccfe: Container 0d86f372ccfe959d268594dd7bb6365924cfe93aa15e5223dc9ec9565c42b03c is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 0d86f372ccfe
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: d6b08b20cd24: Container d6b08b20cd2447618fa49a7ca118f02acba69e9def74f9e864572a9abdc5578b is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 d6b08b20cd24
30-Nov-2024 00:35:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 065ce4d57ee5: Container 065ce4d57ee56340b1d54ec8d1b2adc971283a02abb24dee270616f3e8795a0e is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 065ce4d57ee5
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: e6a8b3dde0c7: Container e6a8b3dde0c719c8872f7801fa7e6d5d135133f75e8ccfeb887a313168358879 is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 e6a8b3dde0c7
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 746d8b0fae74: Container 746d8b0fae748bf6a118aed5f16fccf1ac7e352ec5c5c5ed4c3f6f025b15a69f is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 746d8b0fae74
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: dfe4541a9170: Container dfe4541a9170e9b6be6d2475f79f88d642ee316a37bf245805399f3273cda7bf is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 dfe4541a9170
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 06e4fc4c4648: Container 06e4fc4c464852f741c4688860bcabee7858d689791979cd34a1adb5dc72f161 is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 06e4fc4c4648
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 34859fefbd80: Container 34859fefbd80b9cfa6ca315e16c6d03577bad1201ecb4e58edeaa8022745cc24 is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 34859fefbd80
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 1c1fff1146b9: Container 1c1fff1146b9139cf35e378d279f93ca2a73fb1f69b9a473470b2cf84494965f is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 1c1fff1146b9
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 926902015faa: Container 926902015faa9991e695442ab5352d3d93cfa406da073f7b0dabd9ffeb7d4a34 is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 926902015faa
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: f53508929b75: Container f53508929b757873f46c7b357d58dd6f82d13c591ec95639926ad0550e554dcb is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 f53508929b75
30-Nov-2024 00:35:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 5eacde597a80: Container 5eacde597a80d9d0bc1de1cd22761c45111e6ec7560efd52fe15a5cc4d3dea51 is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 5eacde597a80
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 48b34f9bd3fd: Container 48b34f9bd3fd6fa1abae97386b57968f868cc322d2b3696b6f0a2cad3f3088ef is not running
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 48b34f9bd3fd
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 3f9a8c367307
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 3f9a8c367307
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 Stalled docker volumes to remove:
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 Removing stalled docker volumes
30-Nov-2024 00:35:12 Removing stalled loopdevices
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Done
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Finished task 'Clear env and working dir' with result: Success
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Skipping task 'Qnthack - always fail on build 2' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Publishing an artifact: test_logs.tar.gz
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [test_logs.tar.gz], patterns: [test_logs.tar.gz] in 55.15 ms
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-DC'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Finalising the build...
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Stopping timer.
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Build ODSRV-OAP-DC-3372 completed.
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 All post build plugins have finished
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Generating build results summary...
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Saving build results to disk...
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Store variable context...
30-Nov-2024 00:35:13 Finished building ODSRV-OAP-DC-3372.