oneclient acceptance tests using environment deployed from packages
Build: #3373 failed
Job: regular file stat directio hardlinks was successful
Build log
The build generated 1,047 lines of output. The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | Updating source code to revision: f1cc740ec9af6e3e9296d2bf1912d6348ba72fce |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/.git'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name> |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | hint: git branch -m <name> |
30-Nov-2024 04:31:59 | Initialized empty Git repository in /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/.git/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:00 | Fetching 'refs/heads/develop' from 'ssh://'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:00 | Warning: Permanently added '[]:36381' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Checking out revision f1cc740ec9af6e3e9296d2bf1912d6348ba72fce. |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Switched to branch 'develop' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Updated source code to revision: f1cc740ec9af6e3e9296d2bf1912d6348ba72fce |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | All conditions for task 'Init submodules' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [2-9]|.{2,} |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.repository.git.repositoryUrl} with ssh:// |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Starting task 'Init submodules' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3373 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | origin ssh:// (fetch) |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | origin ssh:// (push) |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | git submodule init |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'automation-examples' (ssh:// registered for path 'automation-examples' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'bamboos' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'cdmi_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'cdmi_swagger' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'one_env' (ssh:// registered for path 'one_env' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'onepanel_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'onepanel_swagger' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'oneprovider_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'oneprovider_swagger' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Submodule 'onezone_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'onezone_swagger' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | git submodule update --init --recursive |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:01 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/automation-examples'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:02 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/bamboos'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:03 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/cdmi_swagger'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:04 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/one_env'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:04 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onepanel_swagger'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:04 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/oneprovider_swagger'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:05 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onezone_swagger'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:05 | Submodule path 'automation-examples': checked out 'd437e1396007bff2514e435abb63af7e820a22fd' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:05 | Submodule path 'bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:05 | Submodule path 'cdmi_swagger': checked out '4dd9a95a3eb4602e83457b050b4f973bb6dc3822' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:05 | Submodule path 'one_env': checked out 'f2fe9d76a0e43024e56c43b1b77d39010c9780ea' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:06 | Submodule path 'onepanel_swagger': checked out '6ba7d202f7b2202f05c23e6e0317d7cba51da10f' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:06 | Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'onepanel_swagger/bamboos' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:06 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onepanel_swagger/bamboos'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:07 | Submodule path 'onepanel_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:07 | Submodule path 'oneprovider_swagger': checked out '9af1ad3a25560c93284107837f808fea6c12df46' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:07 | Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'oneprovider_swagger/bamboos' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:07 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/oneprovider_swagger/bamboos'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:09 | Submodule path 'oneprovider_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:09 | Submodule path 'onezone_swagger': checked out '580273592bc142a45d2f2c83a3d28e86b8c53283' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:09 | Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'onezone_swagger/bamboos' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:09 | Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onezone_swagger/bamboos'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Submodule path 'onezone_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Finished task 'Init submodules' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Skipping task 'Pull surefire artifact and unpack it' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2|3 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | All conditions for task 'Download artifacts' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,} |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Starting task 'Download artifacts' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3373 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:10 | one_env/onenv pull_artifacts --hostname S3 --port 10161 --packages-only branchConfig.yaml |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | [WARNING] This is the first run on this host. Initializing config... |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | [INFO] Created config file: /home/bamboo/.one-env/config.yaml |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | [INFO] Initializing config: |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | [INFO] hostHomeDir: '/home/bamboo' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | [INFO] kubeHostHomeDir: '/home/bamboo' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | [WARNING] Please make sure that the auto-generated config is correct |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.3", GitCommit:"d506314abfb5d21419df8c7e7e68012379db2354", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.5"} |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:12 | error: failed to create clusterrolebinding: "serviceaccounts-cluster-admin" already exists |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | Finished task 'Download artifacts' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | All conditions for task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,} |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | Starting task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3373 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | ./ --env-file singleprovider_singleclient_directio --test-type oneclient -vvv --test-dir tests/oneclient/scenarios/ -i onedata/acceptance_tests:v1.115 -k= \ |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | --repeats 1 --timeout 600 --file-mode hardlink |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | develop: Pulling from onezone-dev |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | Digest: sha256:e59236a7390d9d03402d735aeb06edd104bc89b7eafacc63f41b74b06352847d |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | Status: Image is up to date for |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:13 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:14 | develop: Pulling from oneprovider-dev |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:14 | Digest: sha256:c54a752c66c0fec37794fffa60f3d78e017894cbf322dfa6570dba5a866a4163 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:14 | Status: Image is up to date for |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:14 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:14 | develop: Pulling from rest-cli |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | Digest: sha256:717da3d152a87a4633a4982dc1daed216f8dfa93408360d780e8c9b245c5dde1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | Status: Image is up to date for |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | develop: Pulling from oneclient-dev |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | Digest: sha256:991a6078a5d699f3feeeea085ecadb69a9791a089faabe0cb4819f876530a303 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | Status: Image is up to date for |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:15 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:17 | Sidecar injection has been disabled |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:17 | [WARNING] Could not find: /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments. Will attempt to delete only the default deployment. |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:17 | There is no default deployment to clean |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:17 | Deleted 0 k8s deployments |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:17 | Deleted 0 k8s services |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:17 | Deleted 0 persistent volumes |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | ============================= test session starts ============================== |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.1.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/bin/python3 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | cachedir: .pytest_cache |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | sensitiveurl: (.*\.)?onedata\.org |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | metadata: {'Python': '3.12.3', 'Platform': 'Linux-5.4.0-200-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.39', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.1.2', 'pluggy': '1.5.0'}, 'Plugins': {'bdd': '7.2.0', 'variables': '3.1.0', 'rerunfailures': '14.0', 'cov': '5.0.0', 'html': '4.1.1', 'base-url': '2.1.0', 'selenium': '4.1.0', 'metadata': '3.1.1'}, 'Base URL': '', 'Driver': None, 'Capabilities': {}} |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | no driver |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | rootdir: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | configfile: pytest.ini |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | plugins: bdd-7.2.0, variables-3.1.0, rerunfailures-14.0, cov-5.0.0, html-4.1.1, base-url-2.1.0, selenium-4.1.0, metadata-3.1.1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | collecting ... collected 12 items |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:32:22 | error: failed to create clusterrolebinding: "serviceaccounts-cluster-admin" already exists |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:35 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:35 | id: ‘space_owner’: no such user |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:35 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:36 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:36 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:36 | id: ‘user1’: no such user |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:36 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:37 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:37 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:37 | id: ‘user2’: no such user |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:37 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:38 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:38 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:38 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:38 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:38 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:39 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:39 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:39 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:40 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:40 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:41 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:41 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:41 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:42 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:42 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:43 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:43 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:43 | id: ‘space_owner’: no such user |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:43 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ Running command: ['one_env/onenv', 'init'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.3", GitCommit:"d506314abfb5d21419df8c7e7e68012379db2354", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.5"} |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'up', '-zi', '', '-pi', '', '-ci', '', '-ri', '', '--timeout', '600', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/environments/scenarios/1oz_1op_1oc/local_volume.yaml'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | [INFO] Resolving image options: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | [INFO] onezoneImage -> |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | [INFO] oneproviderImage -> |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | [INFO] oneclientImage -> |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | ...Successfully got an update from the "onedata" chart repository |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈ |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Sidecar injection has been disabled |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | [INFO] Adding repo to helm repositories |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | "onedata" already exists with the same configuration, skipping |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-persistent-volume-claims-templates (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-persistent-volume-claims-templates (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[]) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | NAME: dev |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Nov 30 04:32:26 2024 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | NAMESPACE: default |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | STATUS: deployed |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | REVISION: 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | TEST SUITE: None |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'wait', '--timeout', '600'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'status'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | ready: True |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | pods: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | service-type: oneclient |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | ip: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | container-id: 2d6caed5abda73dc10439c56ba90702f0dd5c4531c88ca1037d675428fba9ea9 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | provider-host: dev-oneprovider-krakow |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | name: dev-oneprovider-krakow |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | domain: dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | service-type: oneprovider |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | ip: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | container-id: 73c6b5df81239fc2eddab76d601a94ad2db7257496312ee4195dc54fb15ea7c1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | hostname: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | dev-onezone-0: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | name: dev-onezone |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | domain: dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | service-type: onezone |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | ip: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | container-id: b9eda4db703224561627cbdd2f6278dfaada9e734c6bbf8cb94809eb05bef53a |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | hostname: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'hosts'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Removed hosts entry: dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Removed hosts entry: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Removed hosts entry: dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Removed hosts entry: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Added hosts entry: dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Added hosts entry: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Added hosts entry: dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Added hosts entry: |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'id', '-u', 'space_owner'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '24849', 'space_owner'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding user `space_owner' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new group `space_owner' (24849) ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new user `space_owner' (24849) with group `space_owner' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Creating home directory `/home/space_owner' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '25687', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding user `user1' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new group `user1' (25687) ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new user `user1' (25687) with group `user1' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Creating home directory `/home/user1' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '30628', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding user `user2' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new group `user2' (30628) ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new user `user2' (30628) with group `user2' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Creating home directory `/home/user2' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space1', '/etc/group'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '54356', 'space1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space2', '/etc/group'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '55062', 'space2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'fuse', '/etc/group'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '46411', 'fuse'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'space_owner'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '24849', 'space_owner'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding user `space_owner' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new group `space_owner' (24849) ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Adding new user `space_owner' (24849) with group `space_owner' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Creating home directory `/home/space_owner' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | id: ‘user1’: no such user |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:46 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:47 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:48 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:48 | id: ‘user2’: no such user |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:48 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:48 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:49 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:49 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:49 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:49 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:50 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:50 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:50 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:50 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:50 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:51 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:51 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:51 | command terminated with exit code 1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:51 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:52 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:34:52 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '25687', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Adding user `user1' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Adding new group `user1' (25687) ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Adding new user `user1' (25687) with group `user1' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Creating home directory `/home/user1' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '30628', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Adding user `user2' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Adding new group `user2' (30628) ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Adding new user `user2' (30628) with group `user2' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Creating home directory `/home/user2' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space1', '/etc/group'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '54356', 'space1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space2', '/etc/group'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '55062', 'space2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'fuse', '/etc/group'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '46411', 'fuse'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user1'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user2'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | - Executing scenario 'Check file type when empty' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/dkn315umddc92zu5 |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/dkn315umddc92zu5 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/dkn315umddc92zu5 |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17141060334287610068'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/dkn315umddc92zu5'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 checks using shell stat if file type of space1/file1 is regular empty file"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/dkn315umddc92zu5 |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | - Executing scenario 'Check file type when non-empty' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/97ycur71wbktenmg |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/97ycur71wbktenmg --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/97ycur71wbktenmg |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '15290888122173572314'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/97ycur71wbktenmg'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 writes "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" to space1/file1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | -- Executing step: 'Then "file type of user1's space1/file1 is regular"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/97ycur71wbktenmg |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | - Executing scenario 'Check default access permissions' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/y3pgrpzrmkcysq04 |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/y3pgrpzrmkcysq04 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/y3pgrpzrmkcysq04 |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '515733439476909034'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/y3pgrpzrmkcysq04'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | -- Executing step: 'Then "mode of user1's space1/file1 is 664"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/y3pgrpzrmkcysq04 |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:38 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | - Executing scenario 'Change access permissions' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/w1gdw5ti1flhu8px |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/w1gdw5ti1flhu8px --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/w1gdw5ti1flhu8px |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '5552639221495008811'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/w1gdw5ti1flhu8px'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 mode to 211"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | -- Executing step: 'Then "mode of user1's space1/file1 is 211"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/w1gdw5ti1flhu8px |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:35:52 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | - Executing scenario 'Increase regular file size with truncate' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/xv7tuethw44307r1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/xv7tuethw44307r1 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/xv7tuethw44307r1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '2739584667713776530'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/xv7tuethw44307r1'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 size to 1000000 bytes"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | -- Executing step: 'Then "size of user1's space1/file1 is 1000000 bytes"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/xv7tuethw44307r1 |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:07 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | - Executing scenario 'Decrease regular file size with truncate' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/xbk9dqp8cuk8gu7q |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/xbk9dqp8cuk8gu7q --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/xbk9dqp8cuk8gu7q |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '10554924974760624533'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/xbk9dqp8cuk8gu7q'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 size to 1000000 bytes"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'When "size of user1's space1/file1 is 1000000 bytes"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 size to 0 bytes"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | -- Executing step: 'Then "size of user1's space1/file1 is 0 bytes"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:22 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:23 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:23 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/xbk9dqp8cuk8gu7q |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:23 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | - Executing scenario 'Timestamps at creation' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/vrr9kbmhgnzf02pn |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/vrr9kbmhgnzf02pn --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/vrr9kbmhgnzf02pn |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '3807461785485294808'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/vrr9kbmhgnzf02pn'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to access time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to access time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/vrr9kbmhgnzf02pn |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:37 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | - Executing scenario 'Update timestamps' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/60lfkvktr80bjn6z |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/60lfkvktr80bjn6z --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/60lfkvktr80bjn6z |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '18043415092213225672'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/60lfkvktr80bjn6z'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 updates [space1/file1] timestamps"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to access time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/60lfkvktr80bjn6z |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:36:53 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | - Executing scenario 'Access time' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/ienu5fq4xxjowrwi |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/ienu5fq4xxjowrwi --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/ienu5fq4xxjowrwi |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '10834099062997528285'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/ienu5fq4xxjowrwi'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 writes "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" to space1/file1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 reads "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" from file space1/file1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'Then "access time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than modification time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | -- Executing step: 'Then "access time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than status-change time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/ienu5fq4xxjowrwi |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:16 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | - Executing scenario 'Modification time' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/6nk531txt7qyyx0x |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/6nk531txt7qyyx0x --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/6nk531txt7qyyx0x |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '7008461746364607999'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/6nk531txt7qyyx0x'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 writes "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" to space1/file1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than access time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to status-change time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/6nk531txt7qyyx0x |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:40 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | - Executing scenario 'Status-change time when changing mode' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/h88ailc7349mi6zt |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/h88ailc7349mi6zt --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/h88ailc7349mi6zt |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '15624113750983076237'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/h88ailc7349mi6zt'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 mode to 711"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'Then "mode of user1's space1/file1 is 711"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than modification time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than access time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/h88ailc7349mi6zt |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:37:57 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | - Executing scenario 'Status-change time when renaming' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | - from feature 'Regular_file_stat' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl' successfully started |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/cyfan5z7c88668s2 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/cyfan5z7c88668s2 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/cyfan5z7c88668s2 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17712476757546361491'... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Getting configuration... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/cyfan5z7c88668s2'. |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'When "user1 renames space1/file1 to space1/file2"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees file2 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see file1 in space1"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file2 is greater to modification time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file2 is greater to access time"' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | ================================================================= |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:20 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | PASSED |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/cyfan5z7c88668s2 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | Running command: ['./onenv', 'export', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/logs/singleprovider_singleclient_directio/test_reg_file_stat.1732941501.1249092', '-c', '/tmp/logs'] |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-lxlfg. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-lxlfg/entrypoint.log for more details |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl: /tmp/logs -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-ttkpl/oneclient_logs |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#0, to-chk=87/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 26,229 1% 25.01MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=86/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 26,229 1% 25.01MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=80/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 26,787 1% 25.55MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=82/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 123,296 7% 117.58MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=81/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 123,854 7% 118.12MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=80/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 165,164 9% 52.50MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=79/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 165,530 9% 52.62MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=75/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 324,008 18% 51.50MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=74/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 324,374 18% 51.56MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=73/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 325,002 18% 44.28MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=72/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 359,954 20% 49.04MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=71/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 360,512 20% 42.98MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=67/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 477,307 27% 37.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=66/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 477,865 27% 37.98MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=65/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 507,652 29% 40.34MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=64/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 508,210 29% 40.39MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=60/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 636,358 36% 43.35MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=59/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 636,916 36% 43.39MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=58/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 662,469 38% 45.13MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=57/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 662,835 38% 45.15MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=53/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 756,507 43% 42.44MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=52/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 756,873 43% 42.46MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=51/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 757,501 43% 42.49MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=50/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 785,225 45% 44.05MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=49/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 785,687 45% 44.08MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=45/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 890,869 51% 44.72MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=44/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 891,331 51% 44.74MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=43/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 920,858 53% 43.91MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=42/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 921,320 53% 43.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=38/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,033,072 59% 44.78MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#29, to-chk=37/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,033,534 59% 44.80MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#30, to-chk=36/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,059,474 61% 45.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#31, to-chk=35/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,060,128 61% 45.96MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#32, to-chk=31/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,157,159 66% 45.98MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=30/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,157,813 66% 46.01MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#34, to-chk=29/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,185,055 68% 47.09MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#35, to-chk=28/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,185,421 68% 45.22MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#36, to-chk=24/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,283,910 74% 48.98MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#37, to-chk=23/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,284,276 74% 48.99MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#38, to-chk=22/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,323,144 76% 46.74MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#39, to-chk=21/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,323,510 76% 46.75MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#40, to-chk=17/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,447,000 83% 49.28MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=16/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,447,366 83% 49.30MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#42, to-chk=15/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,480,145 85% 45.53MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#43, to-chk=14/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,480,895 85% 45.56MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#44, to-chk=10/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,588,974 91% 47.36MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#45, to-chk=9/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,589,724 91% 47.38MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#46, to-chk=8/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,616,604 93% 48.18MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#47, to-chk=7/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,616,970 93% 48.19MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#48, to-chk=3/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,710,696 98% 49.44MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#49, to-chk=2/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,711,062 98% 49.45MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#50, to-chk=1/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 49.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 48.46MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 47.08MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 47.08MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,727,691 99% 47.08MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=0/105) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/cluster-manager |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 2,022 14% 1.93MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 4,776 34% 4.55MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 4,776 34% 4.55MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 6,595 48% 6.29MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 6,857 50% 6.54MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 6,857 50% 6.54MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-worker |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=49/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 23,687 10% 22.59MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=47/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 45,207 20% 43.11MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=45/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 45,207 20% 43.11MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=43/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 45,207 20% 43.11MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=41/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 65,576 29% 62.54MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=39/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 65,726 29% 62.68MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=37/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 66,023 29% 62.96MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=35/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 96,406 42% 91.94MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=33/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 97,085 43% 92.59MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=23/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 97,479 43% 46.48MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=22/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 99,298 44% 47.35MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=21/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 100,602 44% 47.97MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=20/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 102,761 45% 49.00MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=19/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 102,982 45% 49.11MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=18/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 104,288 46% 49.73MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=17/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 105,763 46% 50.43MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=16/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 106,902 47% 50.97MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=15/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 108,035 48% 51.52MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=14/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 110,363 49% 35.08MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=13/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 110,583 49% 35.15MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=12/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 112,231 49% 35.68MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=11/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 114,050 50% 36.26MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=10/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 115,527 51% 36.73MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=9/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 115,919 51% 36.85MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=8/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 118,084 52% 37.54MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=7/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 118,757 52% 37.75MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=6/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 120,405 53% 38.28MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=5/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 121,369 53% 28.94MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#29, to-chk=4/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 123,363 54% 29.41MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#30, to-chk=3/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 125,693 55% 29.97MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#31, to-chk=2/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 126,651 56% 30.20MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#32, to-chk=1/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 128,645 57% 30.67MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 128,645 57% 17.53MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 128,645 57% 17.53MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 128,645 57% 17.53MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 128,645 57% 17.53MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 128,645 57% 17.53MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-panel |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 17,579 16% 16.76MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 36,076 33% 34.40MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 36,076 33% 34.40MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 53,452 49% 16.99MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 53,743 50% 17.08MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 53,743 50% 6.41MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-worker |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=15/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 13,069 8% 12.46MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=13/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 26,733 17% 25.49MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=11/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 26,733 17% 25.49MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=9/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 39,322 25% 18.75MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=7/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 39,413 25% 18.79MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=5/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 39,710 25% 18.94MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=3/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 77,577 50% 36.99MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=1/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 77,577 50% 8.22MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=0/18) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-panel |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 20,742 13% 19.78MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 42,465 27% 40.50MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 56,391 36% 53.78MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 76,930 49% 73.37MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 77,221 50% 73.64MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 77,221 50% 18.41MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.11.30-04.32.23/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/cluster-manager |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 1,978 14% 1.89MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 4,666 34% 4.45MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 4,666 34% 4.45MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 6,441 48% 6.14MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 6,703 50% 6.39MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | 6,703 50% 6.39MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | [WARNING] Directory /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/logs/singleprovider_singleclient_directio/test_reg_file_stat.1732941501.1249092 exists, exporting anyway. |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | =============================== warnings summary =============================== |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | tests/utils/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ ' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | print(""" |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | tests/utils/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ ' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | return path.replace("'", "\\'").replace(' ', '\ ') |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | tests/utils/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?')) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | tests/utils/ |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?')) |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | -- Docs: |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | - generated xml file: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/test-reports/results.xml - |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:27 | ================== 12 passed, 4 warnings in 367.48s (0:06:07) ================== |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:31 | release "dev" uninstalled |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:31 | persistentvolumeclaim "local-volume-1-dev-oneprovider-krakow-0" deleted |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:32 | No resources found |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Sidecar injection has been disabled |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Cleaning helm release "dev"... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Deleted 1 helm deployments |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Deleted 0 k8s deployments |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Deleted 0 k8s services |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Deleted 0 persistent volumes |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] Using image for service onezone |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] Using image for service oneprovider |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] Using image for service rest-cli |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | [INFO] Using image for service oneclient |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Finished task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Starting task 'Parse test results' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Finished task 'Parse test results' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | All conditions for task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,} |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Starting task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3373 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:34 | ./bamboos/artifacts/ --hostname S3 --port 10161 --username ubuntu --branch develop --plan onedata-acceptance --artifact-name surefire_regular_file_stat_directio_hardlinks.tar.gz |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Uploading artifact |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | source path: surefire_regular_file_stat_directio_hardlinks.tar.gz |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | dest. path: artifacts/onedata-acceptance/develop/surefire_regular_file_stat_directio_hardlinks.tar.gz |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Finished task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | All conditions for task 'Pack logs' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,} |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Starting task 'Pack logs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3373 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | cp: cannot stat 'onedata-acceptance/one_env/sources_info.yaml': No such file or directory |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Finished task 'Pack logs' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | All conditions for task 'Clear env and working dir' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,} |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.OnedataFinalTasksURL} with |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Starting task 'Clear env and working dir' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3373 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/ ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | 100 4822 100 4822 0 0 62623 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 62623 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:35 | Clearing /tmp/onedata and /home/bamboo/.one-env |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:36 | Cleaning helm deployments |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:36 | Cleanining pods |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:36 | Cleaning kube persistant volumes |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:36 | Cleaning dockswift container |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:36 | Cleaning docker containers |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Stalled docker containers to remove: |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | 83c238f9a62c 62f4fd043d3f 03e851533a4b 6bc2ef158f60 f2077fafb990 3799dd5c864d 6fa698d19d5c 0286cae6ce83 a5ba3b0f38b7 590a3d7e9eb8 84f06f3b2e7f f9ede66c8c01 aabf62dd5718 8d4e7e30faa8 f5a202694586 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Removing stalled docker containers |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 83c238f9a62c: Container 83c238f9a62c1c660820b8ffd4d5784480c9e33c02bf84704c43d04ffbbfb4c8 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | 83c238f9a62c |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 62f4fd043d3f: Container 62f4fd043d3f8f7e46d27cf35dc882f37363a469cea6726cf45e674c2b909d8a is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | 62f4fd043d3f |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 03e851533a4b: Container 03e851533a4b20d058c95f69e1b5d0f78cc64fbfbc2a7e1efaa725fae305ac76 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | 03e851533a4b |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 6bc2ef158f60: Container 6bc2ef158f6031bf14fa9c6641a80646309ab090f04782685f15c158379e2c19 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | 6bc2ef158f60 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: f2077fafb990: Container f2077fafb9901c57903fda2c7f7fb3b193cd842e35ee445a554ffaa551d846d8 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | f2077fafb990 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:39 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 3799dd5c864d: Container 3799dd5c864dbc74642134f728e492a07955816af5bce59775ce5ebf48eab084 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | 3799dd5c864d |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 6fa698d19d5c: Container 6fa698d19d5c399bd66cb7bedacec93b0c942f26b15a6a14d091a296f450d5ac is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | 6fa698d19d5c |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 0286cae6ce83: Container 0286cae6ce83842d4187217a2f30f5de15f3e4872393fd130005b60121b54ebe is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | 0286cae6ce83 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: a5ba3b0f38b7: Container a5ba3b0f38b7c8828984409325bacb9e230aec6f1580bba3bf21a3108bf3c4e4 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | a5ba3b0f38b7 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 590a3d7e9eb8: Container 590a3d7e9eb83eabd1eadbb3827b8dccf96273ac3396b56cd80332e06af23c54 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | 590a3d7e9eb8 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 84f06f3b2e7f: Container 84f06f3b2e7f401db7f610587f5986f2e4a0b861b05273c30a27ca92d639c022 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | 84f06f3b2e7f |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: f9ede66c8c01: Container f9ede66c8c01a00089ef8884d7dcaaea6e7d851825b99432e631af2869d9d3fd is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | f9ede66c8c01 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: aabf62dd5718: Container aabf62dd571885b15999e376fac4c4dc957420423a1b5b6ea4577ace64b2a663 is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | aabf62dd5718 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 8d4e7e30faa8: Container 8d4e7e30faa8c31b5c9e60b052d816fe757edd5936ebf21053d1e271e43bc65c is not running |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:40 | 8d4e7e30faa8 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:41 | f5a202694586 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:41 | f5a202694586 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:41 | Stalled docker volumes to remove: |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:41 | |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:41 | Removing stalled docker volumes |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:41 | Removing stalled loopdevices |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Done |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Finished task 'Clear env and working dir' with result: Success |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Skipping task 'Qnthack - always fail on build 2' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2 |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Publishing an artifact: test_logs.tar.gz |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [test_logs.tar.gz], patterns: [test_logs.tar.gz] in 76.78 ms |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Finalising the build... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Stopping timer. |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:42 | Build ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373 completed. |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | All post build plugins have finished |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Generating build results summary... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Saving build results to disk... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Store variable context... |
30-Nov-2024 04:38:43 | Finished building ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3373. |