oneclient acceptance tests using environment deployed from packages

Build: #3374 failed

Job: regular file stat directio hardlinks was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Qnthack - copy quarantine

  2. Acceptance Test

  3. Qnthack - rerun


Build log

The build generated 1,041 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 If you wish to restart minikube anyway, use the '--force-restart' option.
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Finished task 'Restart minikube' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Build always requires a clean checkout
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Updating source code to revision: 7e1b7c04f3d387bd4c2feb170da5e3b0cf00a4f7
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/.git'.
03-Dec-2024 19:11:34 Initialized empty Git repository in /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/.git/
03-Dec-2024 19:11:35 Fetching 'refs/heads/develop' from 'ssh://'.
03-Dec-2024 19:11:35 Warning: Permanently added '[]:37317' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Checking out revision 7e1b7c04f3d387bd4c2feb170da5e3b0cf00a4f7.
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Switched to branch 'develop'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Updated source code to revision: 7e1b7c04f3d387bd4c2feb170da5e3b0cf00a4f7
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 All conditions for task 'Init submodules' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [2-9]|.{2,}
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.repository.git.repositoryUrl} with ssh://
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Starting task 'Init submodules' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3374 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 origin        ssh:// (fetch)
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 origin        ssh:// (push)
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 git submodule init
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'automation-examples' (ssh:// registered for path 'automation-examples'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'bamboos'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'cdmi_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'cdmi_swagger'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'one_env' (ssh:// registered for path 'one_env'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'onepanel_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'onepanel_swagger'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'oneprovider_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'oneprovider_swagger'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Submodule 'onezone_swagger' (ssh:// registered for path 'onezone_swagger'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 git submodule update --init --recursive
03-Dec-2024 19:11:36 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/automation-examples'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:37 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/bamboos'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:38 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/cdmi_swagger'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:39 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/one_env'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:39 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onepanel_swagger'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:40 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/oneprovider_swagger'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:40 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onezone_swagger'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:40 Submodule path 'automation-examples': checked out 'd437e1396007bff2514e435abb63af7e820a22fd'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:40 Submodule path 'bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:41 Submodule path 'cdmi_swagger': checked out '4dd9a95a3eb4602e83457b050b4f973bb6dc3822'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:41 Submodule path 'one_env': checked out 'f2fe9d76a0e43024e56c43b1b77d39010c9780ea'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:41 Submodule path 'onepanel_swagger': checked out '52fb66754eba0c8b6eb5fc7865dafe68f83ce55a'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:41 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'onepanel_swagger/bamboos'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:41 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onepanel_swagger/bamboos'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:42 Submodule path 'onepanel_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:42 Submodule path 'oneprovider_swagger': checked out 'ecabbf34960c262b736f856d887532d2407d0cca'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:42 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'oneprovider_swagger/bamboos'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:42 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/oneprovider_swagger/bamboos'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:43 Submodule path 'oneprovider_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:43 Submodule path 'onezone_swagger': checked out '106994a542892711aaf2734542579ea7064e5281'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:43 Submodule 'bamboos' (ssh:// registered for path 'onezone_swagger/bamboos'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:43 Cloning into '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/onezone_swagger/bamboos'...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45 Submodule path 'onezone_swagger/bamboos': checked out 'd2f70c44ec85c1a5f6e837a426fee34fb3bc70eb'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45 Finished task 'Init submodules' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45 Skipping task 'Pull surefire artifact and unpack it' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2|3
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45 All conditions for task 'Download artifacts' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45 Starting task 'Download artifacts' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3374 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:11:45 one_env/onenv pull_artifacts --hostname S3 --port 10161 --packages-only branchConfig.yaml
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 [WARNING] This is the first run on this host. Initializing config...
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 [INFO] Created config file: /home/bamboo/.one-env/config.yaml
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 [INFO] Initializing config:
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 [INFO]             hostHomeDir: '/home/bamboo'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 [INFO]         kubeHostHomeDir: '/home/bamboo'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 [WARNING] Please make sure that the auto-generated config is correct
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.3", GitCommit:"d506314abfb5d21419df8c7e7e68012379db2354", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.5"}
03-Dec-2024 19:11:46 NAME        NAMESPACE        REVISION        UPDATED        STATUS        CHART        APP VERSION
03-Dec-2024 19:11:47 error: failed to create clusterrolebinding: "serviceaccounts-cluster-admin" already exists
03-Dec-2024 19:11:47 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
03-Dec-2024 19:11:47 Finished task 'Download artifacts' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:11:47 All conditions for task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
03-Dec-2024 19:11:47 Starting task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
03-Dec-2024 19:11:47
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3374 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 ./ --env-file singleprovider_singleclient_directio --test-type oneclient -vvv --test-dir tests/oneclient/scenarios/ -i onedata/acceptance_tests:v1.115 -k= \
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 --repeats 1 --timeout 600 --file-mode hardlink 
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 develop: Pulling from onezone-dev
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 Digest: sha256:2c759c60507e8b2e17c491f4c20e0a7e2af21bdf9c3a02af1331022954f038a5
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 Status: Image is up to date for
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 develop: Pulling from oneprovider-dev
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 Digest: sha256:085790254df3a11d2e3129a8e149fe070b38eebac0d783925cdc6efc8fd8fce6
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 Status: Image is up to date for
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 develop: Pulling from rest-cli
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 Digest: sha256:717da3d152a87a4633a4982dc1daed216f8dfa93408360d780e8c9b245c5dde1
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48 Status: Image is up to date for
03-Dec-2024 19:11:48
03-Dec-2024 19:11:49 develop: Pulling from oneclient-dev
03-Dec-2024 19:11:49 Digest: sha256:e105faea2134afd96d8593fb6036594914dcf43b4054645de9a1122f305bbedb
03-Dec-2024 19:11:49 Status: Image is up to date for
03-Dec-2024 19:11:49
03-Dec-2024 19:11:50 Sidecar injection has been disabled
03-Dec-2024 19:11:50 [WARNING] Could not find: /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments. Will attempt to delete only the default deployment.
03-Dec-2024 19:11:50 There is no default deployment to clean
03-Dec-2024 19:11:50 Deleted 0 k8s deployments
03-Dec-2024 19:11:50 Deleted 0 k8s services
03-Dec-2024 19:11:50 Deleted 0 persistent volumes
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 ============================= test session starts ==============================
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.1.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 cachedir: .pytest_cache
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 metadata: {'Python': '3.12.3', 'Platform': 'Linux-5.4.0-200-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.39', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.1.2', 'pluggy': '1.5.0'}, 'Plugins': {'bdd': '7.2.0', 'base-url': '2.1.0', 'metadata': '3.1.1', 'rerunfailures': '14.0', 'cov': '5.0.0', 'selenium': '4.1.0', 'html': '4.1.1', 'variables': '3.1.0'}, 'Base URL': '', 'Driver': None, 'Capabilities': {}}
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 sensitiveurl: (.*\.)?onedata\.org
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 no driver
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 rootdir: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 configfile: pytest.ini
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 plugins: bdd-7.2.0, base-url-2.1.0, metadata-3.1.1, rerunfailures-14.0, cov-5.0.0, selenium-4.1.0, html-4.1.1, variables-3.1.0
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53 collecting ... collected 12 items
03-Dec-2024 19:11:53
03-Dec-2024 19:11:54 error: failed to create clusterrolebinding: "serviceaccounts-cluster-admin" already exists
03-Dec-2024 19:14:08 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:08 id: ‘space_owner’: no such user
03-Dec-2024 19:14:08 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:09 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:09 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:09 id: ‘user1’: no such user
03-Dec-2024 19:14:09 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:09 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:10 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:10 id: ‘user2’: no such user
03-Dec-2024 19:14:10 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:10 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:11 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:11 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:11 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:11 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:11 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:12 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:12 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:12 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:12 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:13 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:13 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:13 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:13 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:13 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 id: ‘space_owner’: no such user
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/ Running command: ['one_env/onenv', 'init']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.3", GitCommit:"d506314abfb5d21419df8c7e7e68012379db2354", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.5"}
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 NAME        NAMESPACE        REVISION        UPDATED        STATUS        CHART        APP VERSION
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['./onenv', 'up', '-zi', '', '-pi', '', '-ci', '', '-ri', '', '--timeout', '600', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/environments/scenarios/1oz_1op_1oc/local_volume.yaml']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 [INFO] Resolving image options:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 [INFO]                          onezoneImage ->
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 [INFO]                      oneproviderImage ->
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 [INFO]                        oneclientImage ->
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 ...Successfully got an update from the "onedata" chart repository
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Sidecar injection has been disabled
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 [INFO] Adding repo to helm repositories
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 "onedata" already exists with the same configuration, skipping
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-persistent-volume-claims-templates (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-persistent-volume-claims-templates (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volume-mounts (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 coalesce.go:200: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for external-volumes (map[])
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 NAME: dev
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Dec  3 19:11:59 2024
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 NAMESPACE: default
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 STATUS: deployed
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 REVISION: 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 TEST SUITE: None
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['./onenv', 'wait', '--timeout', '600']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['./onenv', 'status']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 ready: True
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 pods:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14     dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         service-type: oneclient
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         ip:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         container-id: 923433f41f28f555c0c6b7d3bc02525e2c51ee6c4947e2401a085ee793b5a983
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         provider-host: dev-oneprovider-krakow
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14     dev-oneprovider-krakow-0:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         name: dev-oneprovider-krakow
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         domain: dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         service-type: oneprovider
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         ip:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         container-id: d7db48072c73828e94bc95f1c9ab34067bfafc7f4f46d46b53c199a30d2ecab8
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         hostname:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14     dev-onezone-0:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         name: dev-onezone
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         domain: dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         service-type: onezone
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         ip:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         container-id: 89b7499388972b38d15a0f5db784945f94129a6c4c796c25e35786c5d5b6b920
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14         hostname:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['./onenv', 'hosts']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Removed hosts entry:        dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Removed hosts entry:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Removed hosts entry:        dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Removed hosts entry:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Added hosts entry:        dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Added hosts entry:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Added hosts entry:        dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Added hosts entry:
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'id', '-u', 'space_owner']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '24849', 'space_owner']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding user `space_owner' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new group `space_owner' (24849) ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new user `space_owner' (24849) with group `space_owner' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Creating home directory `/home/space_owner' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '25687', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding user `user1' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new group `user1' (25687) ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new user `user1' (25687) with group `user1' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Creating home directory `/home/user1' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '30628', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding user `user2' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new group `user2' (30628) ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new user `user2' (30628) with group `user2' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Creating home directory `/home/user2' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space1', '/etc/group']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '54356', 'space1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space2', '/etc/group']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '55062', 'space2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'fuse', '/etc/group']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '46411', 'fuse']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'space_owner']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '24849', 'space_owner']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding user `space_owner' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new group `space_owner' (24849) ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Adding new user `space_owner' (24849) with group `space_owner' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Creating home directory `/home/space_owner' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:14 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 id: ‘user1’: no such user
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 id: ‘user2’: no such user
03-Dec-2024 19:14:15 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:16 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:16 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:16 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:16 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:17 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:17 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:17 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:17 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:18 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:18 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:18 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:19 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:19 command terminated with exit code 1
03-Dec-2024 19:14:19 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:19 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:20 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '25687', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Adding user `user1' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Adding new group `user1' (25687) ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Adding new user `user1' (25687) with group `user1' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Creating home directory `/home/user1' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'id', '-u', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', '""', '--uid', '30628', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Adding user `user2' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Adding new group `user2' (30628) ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Adding new user `user2' (30628) with group `user2' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Creating home directory `/home/user2' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space1', '/etc/group']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '54356', 'space1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space1', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'space2', '/etc/group']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '55062', 'space2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'space2', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'grep', '-q', 'fuse', '/etc/group']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'groupadd', '-g', '46411', 'fuse']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user1']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['kubectl', 'exec', 'dev-oneprovider-krakow-0', '--', 'usermod', '-a', '-G', 'fuse', 'user2']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 - Executing scenario 'Check file type when empty'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/xbmopp8ze52bg23j
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/xbmopp8ze52bg23j --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/xbmopp8ze52bg23j
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '1647650330736079440'...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/xbmopp8ze52bg23j'.
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 checks using shell stat if file type of space1/file1 is regular empty file"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/xbmopp8ze52bg23j
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:34
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 - Executing scenario 'Check file type when non-empty'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/73b8sdq3hruwxmas
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/73b8sdq3hruwxmas --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/73b8sdq3hruwxmas
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '5344462902703934075'...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/73b8sdq3hruwxmas'.
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 writes "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" to space1/file1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 -- Executing step: 'Then "file type of user1's space1/file1 is regular"'
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/73b8sdq3hruwxmas
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:14:49
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 - Executing scenario 'Check default access permissions'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/y147f1rint34bk5u
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/y147f1rint34bk5u --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/y147f1rint34bk5u
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '18311802060186490619'...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/y147f1rint34bk5u'.
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 -- Executing step: 'Then "mode of user1's space1/file1 is 664"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/y147f1rint34bk5u
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:05
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 - Executing scenario 'Change access permissions'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/l1wpnws4te8ufs2o
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/l1wpnws4te8ufs2o --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/l1wpnws4te8ufs2o
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '18276669650710906676'...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/l1wpnws4te8ufs2o'.
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 mode to 211"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 -- Executing step: 'Then "mode of user1's space1/file1 is 211"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/l1wpnws4te8ufs2o
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:20
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 - Executing scenario 'Increase regular file size with truncate'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/lpxzgrxfh3v9goi3
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/lpxzgrxfh3v9goi3 --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/lpxzgrxfh3v9goi3
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17226610984154156782'...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/lpxzgrxfh3v9goi3'.
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 size to 1000000 bytes"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 -- Executing step: 'Then "size of user1's space1/file1 is 1000000 bytes"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/lpxzgrxfh3v9goi3
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:36
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 - Executing scenario 'Decrease regular file size with truncate'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/kkum95pui6watemw
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/kkum95pui6watemw --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/kkum95pui6watemw
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '8766539825338911082'...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/kkum95pui6watemw'.
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 size to 1000000 bytes"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'When "size of user1's space1/file1 is 1000000 bytes"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 size to 0 bytes"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 -- Executing step: 'Then "size of user1's space1/file1 is 0 bytes"'
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/kkum95pui6watemw
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:15:51
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 - Executing scenario 'Timestamps at creation'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/v7n01l77811rgz1w
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/v7n01l77811rgz1w --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/v7n01l77811rgz1w
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '17346928523886650056'...
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/v7n01l77811rgz1w'.
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to access time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to access time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/v7n01l77811rgz1w
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:07
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 - Executing scenario 'Update timestamps'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/v9z3igaypfu7n51b
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/v9z3igaypfu7n51b --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/v9z3igaypfu7n51b
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '9399635822449812801'...
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/v9z3igaypfu7n51b'.
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 updates [space1/file1] timestamps"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to access time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/v9z3igaypfu7n51b
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:23
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 - Executing scenario 'Access time'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/ybvuvvj2lpyuf0tl
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/ybvuvvj2lpyuf0tl --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/ybvuvvj2lpyuf0tl
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '870380786888983536'...
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/ybvuvvj2lpyuf0tl'.
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 writes "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" to space1/file1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 reads "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" from file space1/file1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'Then "access time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than modification time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 -- Executing step: 'Then "access time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than status-change time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/ybvuvvj2lpyuf0tl
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:16:45
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 - Executing scenario 'Modification time'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/7wzs5xaw68j8nvzh
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/7wzs5xaw68j8nvzh --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/7wzs5xaw68j8nvzh
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '8206168877385796629'...
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/7wzs5xaw68j8nvzh'.
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 writes "TEST TEXT ONEDATA" to space1/file1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than access time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 -- Executing step: 'Then "modification time of user1's space1/file1 is equal to status-change time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/7wzs5xaw68j8nvzh
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:10
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 - Executing scenario 'Status-change time when changing mode'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/twe2c04k8q3txc9c
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/twe2c04k8q3txc9c --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/twe2c04k8q3txc9c
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '14388738742601296624'...
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/twe2c04k8q3txc9c'.
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 changes space1/file1 mode to 711"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'Then "mode of user1's space1/file1 is 711"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than modification time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file1 is greater than access time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/twe2c04k8q3txc9c
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:28
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 tests/oneclient/scenarios/[singleprovider_singleclient_directio] <- ../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/pytest_bdd/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 - Executing scenario 'Status-change time when renaming'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 - from feature 'Regular_file_stat'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'Given "oneclient mounted using token by user1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/onedata/mnt']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/rpyc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Running command: ['./onenv', 'exec', 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c', '--', 'mkdir', '-p', '-m 777', '/tmp/logs/oc_logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 starting rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 rpyc server for user 'user1' on client host 'dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c' successfully started
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Mounting client with --force-direct-io flag in /tmp/onedata/mnt/4x4cfrf8x4qgcpsz
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 rpyc running command: oneclient --log-dir /tmp/logs/oc_logs/4x4cfrf8x4qgcpsz --force-direct-io -v2 --insecure --message-trace-log /tmp/onedata/mnt/4x4cfrf8x4qgcpsz
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Connecting to provider 'dev-oneprovider-krakow.default.svc.cluster.local:443' using session ID: '1470654595381743669'...
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Getting configuration...
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 Oneclient has been successfully mounted in '/tmp/onedata/mnt/4x4cfrf8x4qgcpsz'.
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 creates regular files [space1/file1]"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 sees file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'When "user1 renames space1/file1 to space1/file2"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 sees file2 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 doesn't see file1 in space1"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'Then "user1 is idle for 2 seconds"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file2 is greater to modification time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 -- Executing step: 'Then "status-change time of user1's space1/file2 is greater to access time"'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50 =================================================================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:50
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 Defaulted container "oneclient" out of: oneclient, wait-for-onezone (init), wait-for-token-dispenser (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 PASSED
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 Defaulted container "oneprovider" out of: oneprovider, wait-for-onezone (init)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 Unmounting client from /tmp/onedata/mnt/4x4cfrf8x4qgcpsz
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 Running command: ['./onenv', 'export', '/mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/logs/singleprovider_singleclient_directio/test_reg_file_stat.1733253470.506328', '-c', '/tmp/logs']
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [WARNING] Couldn't get entrypoint logs for pod dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-gqr7j. See /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-cross-support-job-3p-users-gqr7j/entrypoint.log for more details
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c: /tmp/logs -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-oneclient-krakow-7d9476b8bc-tpz6c/oneclient_logs
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#0, to-chk=90/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57             628   0%  613.28kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=89/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57             628   0%  613.28kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=82/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          29,584   1%   28.21MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=88/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          30,046   1%   28.65MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=84/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         158,193   9%   10.06MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=83/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         158,655   9%   10.09MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=82/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         159,283   9%   10.13MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=81/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         196,092  11%   10.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=80/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         196,842  11%   10.43MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=76/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         315,378  18%   15.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=75/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         316,128  18%   15.87MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=74/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         316,756  18%   15.90MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=73/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         354,833  20%   16.92MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=72/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         355,295  20%   16.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=68/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         514,654  29%   22.31MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=67/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         515,116  29%   22.33MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=66/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         515,744  29%   22.36MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=65/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         555,820  31%   22.09MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=64/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         556,282  32%   22.10MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=60/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         679,761  39%   25.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=59/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         680,223  39%   25.95MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=58/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         707,520  40%   26.99MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=57/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         707,982  40%   27.01MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=53/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         804,303  46%   29.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=52/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         804,765  46%   28.43MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=51/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         841,841  48%   27.68MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=50/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         842,303  48%   26.78MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=46/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         950,343  54%   29.24MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=45/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         950,805  54%   29.25MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=44/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         978,969  56%   29.18MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#29, to-chk=43/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         979,431  56%   28.30MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#30, to-chk=39/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,086,843  62%   30.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#31, to-chk=38/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,087,305  62%   30.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#32, to-chk=37/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,113,319  64%   31.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=36/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,113,973  64%   30.35MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#34, to-chk=32/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,213,359  69%   32.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#35, to-chk=31/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,214,013  69%   32.16MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#36, to-chk=30/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,241,040  71%   32.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#37, to-chk=29/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,241,406  71%   32.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#38, to-chk=25/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,337,723  77%   33.57MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#39, to-chk=24/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,338,089  77%   32.72MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#40, to-chk=23/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,364,029  78%   33.35MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#41, to-chk=22/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,364,683  78%   32.54MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#42, to-chk=18/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,458,917  83%   34.78MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#43, to-chk=17/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,459,571  84%   34.80MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#44, to-chk=16/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,460,199  84%   33.96MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#45, to-chk=15/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,485,308  85%   34.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#46, to-chk=14/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,485,866  85%   34.56MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#47, to-chk=10/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,577,576  90%   35.82MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#48, to-chk=9/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,578,134  90%   35.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#49, to-chk=8/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,607,531  92%   35.65MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#50, to-chk=7/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,607,993  92%   35.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#51, to-chk=3/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,717,868  98%   37.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#52, to-chk=2/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,718,330  98%   37.24MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#53, to-chk=1/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   37.60MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   36.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   36.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   36.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   36.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57       1,734,959  99%   35.97MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#54, to-chk=0/108)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-worker
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=49/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          23,686  10%   22.59MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=47/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          45,205  20%   43.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=45/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          45,205  20%   43.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=43/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          45,205  20%   43.11MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=41/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          65,573  29%   15.63MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=39/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          65,722  29%   15.67MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=37/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          66,019  29%   15.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=35/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          96,164  42%   18.34MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=33/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          98,553  43%   18.80MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=23/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          99,236  44%   15.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=22/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         101,397  45%   16.12MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=21/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         102,361  45%   16.27MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=20/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         103,040  45%   16.38MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#14, to-chk=19/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         104,175  46%   16.56MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#15, to-chk=18/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         105,479  46%   16.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#16, to-chk=17/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         107,296  47%   17.05MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#17, to-chk=16/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         109,115  48%   17.34MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#18, to-chk=15/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         110,761  49%   15.09MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#19, to-chk=14/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         111,153  49%   15.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#20, to-chk=13/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         112,801  50%   15.37MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=12/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         113,702  50%   15.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=11/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         114,778  51%   15.64MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=10/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         114,943  51%   15.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=9/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         115,166  51%   15.69MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#25, to-chk=8/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         117,498  52%   16.01MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#26, to-chk=7/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         119,488  53%   16.28MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=6/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         120,963  53%   16.48MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=5/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         122,269  54%   16.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#29, to-chk=4/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         124,430  55%   16.95MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#30, to-chk=3/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         124,824  55%   14.88MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#31, to-chk=2/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         126,301  56%   12.05MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#32, to-chk=1/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         128,289  57%   12.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         128,289  57%    5.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         128,289  57%    5.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         128,289  57%    5.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         128,289  57%    5.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57         128,289  57%    5.83MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#33, to-chk=0/52)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/op_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/op-panel
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          16,529  16%   15.76MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          33,964  33%   32.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          33,964  33%   32.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          50,290  49%   47.96MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          50,581  50%   48.24MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          50,581  50%   24.12MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-oneprovider-krakow-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-oneprovider-krakow-0/cluster-manager
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           2,022  14%    1.93MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           4,776  34%    4.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           4,776  34%    4.55MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           6,595  48%    6.29MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           6,857  50%    6.54MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           6,857  50%    6.54MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_worker -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-worker
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=15/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          13,069   8%   12.46MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=13/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          26,733  17%   25.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=11/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          26,733  17%   25.49MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=9/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          39,322  25%   37.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=7/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          39,412  25%   37.59MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=5/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          39,709  25%   37.87MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=3/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          77,836  50%   74.23MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=1/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          77,836  50%   24.74MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=0/18)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/oz_panel -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/oz-panel
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          20,597  13%   19.64MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          42,173  27%   40.22MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          56,099  36%   53.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          76,493  49%   36.47MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          76,784  50%   36.61MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57          76,784  50%   24.41MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [INFO] Rsyncing from pod dev-onezone-0: /volumes/persistence/var/log/cluster_manager -> /home/bamboo/.one-env/deployments/2024.12.03-19.11.56/pod-logs/dev-onezone-0/cluster-manager
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=11/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57               0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           1,977  14%    1.89MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=9/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           4,664  34%    4.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=7/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           4,664  34%    4.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           6,438  48%    6.14MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           6,700  50%    6.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=1/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57           6,700  50%    6.39MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/14)
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 [WARNING] Directory /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/oneclient/logs/singleprovider_singleclient_directio/test_reg_file_stat.1733253470.506328 exists, exporting anyway.
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 =============================== warnings summary ===============================
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 tests/utils/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57     print("""
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 tests/utils/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57     return path.replace("'", "\\'").replace(' ', '\ ')
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 tests/utils/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 tests/utils/
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57   /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/tests/utils/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57     '(?P<seconds>\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?) seconds?'))
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 -- Docs:
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 - generated xml file: /mnt/storage/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance/test-reports/results.xml -
03-Dec-2024 19:17:57 ================== 12 passed, 4 warnings in 363.70s (0:06:03) ==================
03-Dec-2024 19:18:00 release "dev" uninstalled
03-Dec-2024 19:18:01 persistentvolumeclaim "local-volume-1-dev-oneprovider-krakow-0" deleted
03-Dec-2024 19:18:02 No resources found
03-Dec-2024 19:18:03 Sidecar injection has been disabled
03-Dec-2024 19:18:03 Cleaning helm release "dev"...
03-Dec-2024 19:18:03 Deleted 1 helm deployments
03-Dec-2024 19:18:03 Deleted 0 k8s deployments
03-Dec-2024 19:18:03 Deleted 0 k8s services
03-Dec-2024 19:18:03 Deleted 0 persistent volumes
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] Using image for service onezone
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] Using image for service oneprovider
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] Using image for service rest-cli
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] ENV variable "bamboo_planRepository_branchName" is set to develop - using it as current branch name
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 [INFO] Using image for service oneclient
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 Finished task 'Run acceptance oneclient tests' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 Starting task 'Parse test results' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH...
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 Finished task 'Parse test results' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 All conditions for task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoHostname} with S3
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoPort} with 10161
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.artifactRepoUsername} with ubuntu
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with develop
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Substituting variable: ${} with onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 Starting task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3374 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 ./bamboos/artifacts/ --hostname S3 --port 10161 --username ubuntu --branch develop --plan onedata-acceptance --artifact-name surefire_regular_file_stat_directio_hardlinks.tar.gz
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04 Uploading artifact
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04     source path: surefire_regular_file_stat_directio_hardlinks.tar.gz
03-Dec-2024 19:18:04     dest.  path: artifacts/onedata-acceptance/develop/surefire_regular_file_stat_directio_hardlinks.tar.gz
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 Finished task 'Pack and push surefire artifact' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 All conditions for task 'Pack logs' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 Starting task 'Pack logs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3374 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 cp: cannot stat 'onedata-acceptance/one_env/sources_info.yaml': No such file or directory
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 Finished task 'Pack logs' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 All conditions for task 'Clear env and working dir' were met. Conditions: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern [4-9]|.{2,}
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.OnedataFinalTasksURL} with
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 Starting task 'Clear env and working dir' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Onedata Products - oneclient acceptance pkg - regular file stat directio hardlinks #3374 (ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH/onedata-acceptance
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 100  4822  100  4822    0     0  57404      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 56729
03-Dec-2024 19:18:05 Clearing /tmp/onedata and /home/bamboo/.one-env
03-Dec-2024 19:18:06 Cleaning helm deployments
03-Dec-2024 19:18:06 Cleanining pods
03-Dec-2024 19:18:06 Cleaning kube persistant volumes
03-Dec-2024 19:18:07 Cleaning dockswift container
03-Dec-2024 19:18:07 Cleaning docker containers
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 Stalled docker containers to remove:
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 686b6cee3b11 02f2afc1fb49 b4d2423cad4f 191d0ac043f9 bdfd0aafe502 bffdea526e33 411129878a47 5420d913438a f45b6d0a815a fd16a16994c7 96939eae24ce 6bb761e81ef2 7cd4ceb8dbf2 b4b1d736bfe0 bf7df2140049
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 Removing stalled docker containers
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 686b6cee3b11: Container 686b6cee3b11e7b264375d54d6230aa593bbc259998ebf5c0c31d8a89d07e446 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 686b6cee3b11
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 02f2afc1fb49: Container 02f2afc1fb491416d74d93f5f874854b397c2a2f8049bae58b015e0875b9ea6e is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 02f2afc1fb49
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: b4d2423cad4f: Container b4d2423cad4fdbbd783f69df5199de20c9f7f2cb6dbfa3fe95324c3c8ca376f2 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 b4d2423cad4f
03-Dec-2024 19:18:09 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 191d0ac043f9: Container 191d0ac043f90ac0547f0d634b1af09af338340a863977e1a420c762277f39fd is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 191d0ac043f9
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: bdfd0aafe502: Container bdfd0aafe502e76cbc254c6e5d08ca126943cc195c057c9225e9ac31e6ddab1b is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 bdfd0aafe502
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: bffdea526e33: Container bffdea526e33f920154a29d348d65239f08df18cc8eaab8d48d510de41250d1e is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 bffdea526e33
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 411129878a47: Container 411129878a47f5c1d8273d9c9c57938f23661f4b869e596188e8bb472ae308f4 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 411129878a47
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 5420d913438a: Container 5420d913438a8e8598f28dc40cd8ba328595e1963c5125caf9a6d9fa28fdc030 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 5420d913438a
03-Dec-2024 19:18:10 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: f45b6d0a815a: Container f45b6d0a815a322c0567b967b65c5d27c8325fe6e1bb7591dc5c1f776ae2c866 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 f45b6d0a815a
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: fd16a16994c7: Container fd16a16994c7ae13be0f6ee6454e9d9849a5c04c82599a2a1178d3ccd5d652e5 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 fd16a16994c7
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 96939eae24ce: Container 96939eae24ce274f5b6d429c9a62fbacf19b3f495ef6fc6602462e9059a38ed0 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 96939eae24ce
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 6bb761e81ef2: Container 6bb761e81ef23cb2d55fb3cd45403dbce1d594a977e64215d67f25495ef39182 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 6bb761e81ef2
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 7cd4ceb8dbf2: Container 7cd4ceb8dbf2c3748ce20f977c0f849ab19ed45e37565f807064d1f6174a80e0 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 7cd4ceb8dbf2
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: b4b1d736bfe0: Container b4b1d736bfe0b537662b31bbaf347aa81ce98062659d7ee326397c02f5140d17 is not running
03-Dec-2024 19:18:11 b4b1d736bfe0
03-Dec-2024 19:18:12 bf7df2140049
03-Dec-2024 19:18:12 bf7df2140049
03-Dec-2024 19:18:12 Stalled docker volumes to remove:
03-Dec-2024 19:18:12
03-Dec-2024 19:18:12 Removing stalled docker volumes
03-Dec-2024 19:18:12 Removing stalled loopdevices
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Done
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Finished task 'Clear env and working dir' with result: Success
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Skipping task 'Qnthack - always fail on build 2' because of unfulfilled condition. Reason: Variable bamboo.buildNumber matches pattern 2
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Publishing an artifact: test_logs.tar.gz
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [test_logs.tar.gz], patterns: [test_logs.tar.gz] in 41.83 ms
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Finalising the build...
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Stopping timer.
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Build ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374 completed.
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 All post build plugins have finished
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Generating build results summary...
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Saving build results to disk...
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Store variable context...
03-Dec-2024 19:18:13 Finished building ODSRV-OAP-RFSDH-3374.