Build: #16 failed

Job: Onepanel basic failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Qnthack - copy quarantine

  2. Acceptance Test

  3. Qnthack - rerun


Test results

  • 17 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 22 minutes taken in total.

Build 16 has the following 1 errors:There were no new test failures since the previous build.

Existing test failures 1
Status Test Failing since Duration
tests.utils.http_exceptions.HTTPServiceUnavailable: [503] Service Unavailable: {"error":{"id":"unregisteredOneprovider","description":"This Oneprovider is not registered."}}
zone_hostname = 'dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local'
onepanel_credentials = <tests.utils.user_utils.AdminUser object at 0x7f1ad5ab9e20>
owner_credentials = <tests.utils.user_utils.User object at 0x7f1ad5abba40>
space_id = 'c0d6007c6210c33023592e7753121afacha155'
storages_db = {'dev-oneprovider-krakow': {}}
hosts = {'oneprovider-1': {'container-id': 'b4e5b06c2cf2d95f942233566d3eb465a762c017c824a0cb87c87b101b9c879f', 'hostname': 'de...5b0ee552e759f', 'hostname': 'dev-onezone.default.svc.cluster.local', 'ip': '', 'name': 'dev-onezone', ...}}
providers = [{'oneprovider-1': {'size': 1000000, 'storage': 'posix'}}]
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