Build: #16 failed

Job: Onezone invite tokens with caveats failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Qnthack - copy quarantine

  2. Acceptance Test

  3. Qnthack - rerun


Test results

  • 4 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 1 failure is new
  • 16 minutes taken in total.

Build 16 has the following 1 errors: 1 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 1
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed test_onezone_invite_tokens_with_caveats test_user_sees_expiration_and_region_allow_caveats_in_token_configuration_after_setting_them_in_new_invite_token[1oz_2op_elasticsearch]
7 mins
RuntimeError: no  item found in Onezone Login page
web_elem_root = <tests.conftest.ChromeWithAllLogs (session="f1c67904abd7eaa7af2766178cd1c381")>
css_sel = 'input[placeholder="Username"]'
err_msg = 'no  item found in Onezone Login page'

    def find_web_elem(web_elem_root, css_sel, err_msg):
            _scroll_to_css_sel(web_elem_root, css_sel)
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